Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Companion Volume, Short Papers
Candace Sidner, Tanja Schultz, Matthew Stone, ChengXiang Zhai (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- N07-2
- Month:
- April
- Year:
- 2007
- Address:
- Rochester, New York
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Companion Volume, Short Papers
Candace Sidner
Tanja Schultz
Matthew Stone
ChengXiang Zhai
Comparing User Simulation Models For Dialog Strategy Learning
Hua Ai
Joel Tetreault
Diane Litman
Automatic Acquisition of Grammatical Types for Nouns
Núria Bel
Sergio Espeja
Montserrat Marimon
Conquest—An Open-Source Dialog System for Conferences
Dan Bohus
Sergio Grau Puerto
David Huggins-Daines
Venkatesh Keri
Gopala Krishna
Rohit Kumar
Antoine Raux
Stefanie Tomko
Joint Versus Independent Phonological Feature Models within CRF Phone Recognition
Ilana Bromberg
Jeremy Morris
Eric Fosler-Lussier
K-Best Suffix Arrays
Kenneth Church
Bo Thiesson
Robert Ragno
Translation Model Pruning via Usage Statistics for Statistical Machine Translation
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Combination of Statistical Word Alignments Based on Multiple Preprocessing Schemes
Jakob Elming
Nizar Habash
A Fast Method for Parallel Document Identification
Jessica Enright
Grzegorz Kondrak
Generalized Graphical Abstractions for Statistical Machine Translation
Karim Filali
Jeff Bilmes
Situated Models of Meaning for Sports Video Retrieval
Michael Fleischman
Deb Roy
Exploring Affect-Context Dependencies for Adaptive System Development
Kate Forbes-Riley
Mihai Rotaru
Diane Litman
Joel Tetreault
A Filter-Based Approach to Detect End-of-Utterances from Prosody in Dialog Systems
Olac Fuentes
David Vera
Thamar Solorio
Document Similarity Measures to Distinguish Native vs. Non-Native Essay Writers
Olga Gurevich
Paul Deane
Arabic Diacritization through Full Morphological Tagging
Nizar Habash
Owen Rambow
Are Very Large N-Best Lists Useful for SMT?
Saša Hasan
Richard Zens
Hermann Ney
Relationship between Non-Projective Edges, Their Level Types, and Well-Nestedness
Jiří Havelka
iROVER: Improving System Combination with Classification
Dustin Hillard
Bjoern Hoffmeister
Mari Ostendorf
Ralf Schlueter
Hermann Ney
Clustered Sub-Matrix Singular Value Decomposition
Fang Huang
Yorick Wilks
Implicitly Supervised Language Model Adaptation for Meeting Transcription
David Huggins-Daines
Alexander I. Rudnicky
ILR-Based MT Comprehension Test with Multi-Level Questions
Douglas Jones
Martha Herzog
Hussny Ibrahim
Arvind Jairam
Wade Shen
Edward Gibson
Michael Emonts
Semi-Supervised Learning for Semantic Parsing using Support Vector Machines
Rohit Kate
Raymond Mooney
Discriminative Alignment Training without Annotated Data for Machine Translation
Patrik Lambert
Rafael E. Banchs
Josep M. Crego
A Geometric Interpretation of Non-Target-Normalized Maximum Cross-Channel Correlation for Vocal Activity Detection in Meetings
Kornel Laskowski
Tanja Schultz
Detection of Non-Native Sentences Using Machine-Translated Training Data
John Lee
Ming Zhou
Xiaohua Liu
Exploiting Rich Syntactic Information for Relationship Extraction from Biomedical Articles
Yudong Liu
Zhongmin Shi
Anoop Sarkar
Look Who is Talking: Soundbite Speaker Name Recognition in Broadcast News Speech
Feifan Liu
Yang Liu
Tagging Icelandic Text using a Linguistic and a Statistical Tagger
Hrafn Loftsson
Efficient Computation of Entropy Gradient for Semi-Supervised Conditional Random Fields
Gideon Mann
Andrew McCallum
Hybrid Document Indexing with Spectral Embedding
Irina Matveeva
Gina-Anne Levow
On using Articulatory Features for Discriminative Speaker Adaptation
Florian Metze
RH: A Retro-Hybrid Parser
Paula Newman
Subtree Mining for Relation Extraction from Wikipedia
Dat P.T. Nguyen
Yutaka Matsuo
Mitsuru Ishizuka
Advances in the CMU/Interact Arabic GALE Transcription System
Mohamed Noamany
Thomas Schaaf
Tanja Schultz
An Integrated Architecture for Speech-Input Multi-Target Machine Translation
Alicia Pérez
M. Teresa González
M. Inés Torres
Francisco Casacuberta
Analysis and System Combination of Phrase- and N-Gram-Based Statistical Machine Translation Systems
Marta R. Costa-jussà
Josep M. Crego
David Vilar
José A. R. Fonollosa
José B. Mariño
Hermann Ney
Stating with Certainty or Stating with Doubt: Intercoder Reliability Results for Manual Annotation of Epistemically Modalized Statements
Victoria L. Rubin
Joint Morphological-Lexical Language Modeling for Machine Translation
Ruhi Sarikaya
Yonggang Deng
Agenda-Based User Simulation for Bootstrapping a POMDP Dialogue System
Jost Schatzmann
Blaise Thomson
Karl Weilhammer
Hui Ye
Steve Young
Reversible Sound-to-Letter/Letter-to-Sound Modeling Based on Syllable Structure
Stephanie Seneff
Are Some Speech Recognition Errors Easier to Detect than Others?
Yongmei Shi
Lina Zhou
Simultaneous Identification of Biomedical Named-Entity and Functional Relation Using Statistical Parsing Techniques
Zhongmin Shi
Anoop Sarkar
Fred Popowich
Virtual Evidence for Training Speech Recognizers Using Partially Labeled Data
Amarnag Subramanya
Jeff Bilmes
A High Accuracy Method for Semi-Supervised Information Extraction
Stephen Tratz
Antonio Sanfilippo
The Effects of Word Prediction on Communication Rate for AAC
Keith Trnka
Debra Yarrington
John McCaw
Kathleen F. McCoy
Christopher Pennington
Language Modeling for Determiner Selection
Jenine Turner
Eugene Charniak
Entity Extraction is a Boring Solved Problem—Or is it?
Marc Vilain
Jennifer Su
Suzi Lubar
Kernel Regression Based Machine Translation
Zhuoran Wang
John Shawe-Taylor
Sandor Szedmak
Modifying SO-PMI for Japanese Weblog Opinion Mining by Using a Balancing Factor and Detecting Neutral Expressions
Guangwei Wang
Kenji Araki
Combined Use of Speaker- and Tone-Normalized Pitch Reset with Pause Duration for Automatic Story Segmentation in Mandarin Broadcast News
Lei Xie
Chuan Liu
Helen Meng
Chinese Named Entity Recognition with Cascaded Hybrid Model
Xiaofeng Yu
A Three-Step Deterministic Parser for Chinese Dependency Parsing
Kun Yu
Sadao Kurohashi
Hao Liu
Comparing Wikipedia and German Wordnet by Evaluating Semantic Relatedness on Multiple Datasets
Torsten Zesch
Iryna Gurevych
Max Mühlhäuser
Selective Phrase Pair Extraction for Improved Statistical Machine Translation
Luke Zettlemoyer
Robert Moore
Speech Summarization Without Lexical Features for Mandarin Broadcast News
Jian Zhang
Pascale Fung
A Semi-Automatic Evaluation Scheme: Automated Nuggetization for Manual Annotation
Liang Zhou
Namhee Kwon
Eduard Hovy