Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2022)

Robin Schaefer, Xiaoyu Bai, Manfred Stede, Torsten Zesch (Editors)

Anthology ID:
12--15 September
Potsdam, Germany
KONVENS 2022 Organizers
Bib Export formats:

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Proceedings of the 18th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2022)
Robin Schaefer | Xiaoyu Bai | Manfred Stede | Torsten Zesch

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Data Augmentation for Intent Classification of German Conversational Agents in the Finance Domain
Sophie Rentschler | Martin Riedl | Christian Stab | Martin Rückert

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MONAPipe: Modes of Narration and Attribution Pipeline for German Computational Literary Studies and Language Analysis in spaCy
Tillmann Dönicke | Florian Barth | Hanna Varachkina | Caroline Sporleder

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Lemma Hunting: Automatic Spelling Normalization for German CMC Corpora
Eckhard Bick

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DocSCAN: Unsupervised Text Classification via Learning from Neighbors
Dominik Stammbach | Elliott Ash

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Modelling Cultural and Socio-Economic Dimensions of Political Bias in German Tweets
Aishwarya Anegundi | Konstantin Schulz | Christian Rauh | Georg Rehm

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Adapting GermaNet for the Semantic Web
Claus Zinn | Marie Hinrichs | Erhard Hinrichs

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Assessing the Linguistic Complexity of German Abitur Texts from 1963–2013
Noemi Kapusta | Marco Müller | Matilda Schauf | Isabell Siem | Stefanie Dipper

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Measuring Faithfulness of Abstractive Summaries
Tim Fischer | Steffen Remus | Chris Biemann

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Sentiment Analysis on Twitter for the Major German Parties during the 2021 German Federal Election
Thomas Schmidt | Jakob Fehle | Maximilian Weissenbacher | Jonathan Richter | Philipp Gottschalk | Christian Wolff

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Do gender neutral affixes naturally reduce gender bias in static word embeddings?
Jonas Wagner | Sina Zarrieß

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Improved Open Source Automatic Subtitling for Lecture Videos
Robert Geislinger | Benjamin Milde | Chris Biemann

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Constructing a Derivational Morphology Resource with Transformer Morpheme Segmentation
Łukasz Knigawka

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Improved Opinion Role Labelling in Parliamentary Debates
Laura Bamberg | Ines Rehbein | Simone Ponzetto

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Absinth: A small world approach to word sense induction
Victor Zimmermann | Maja Hoffmann

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This isn’t the bias you’re looking for: Implicit causality, names and gender in German language models
Sina Zarrieß | Hannes Groener | Torgrim Solstad | Oliver Bott

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Evaluation of Automatic Speech Recognition for Conversational Speech in Dutch, English and German: What Goes Missing?
Alianda Lopez | Andreas Liesenfeld | Mark Dingemanse

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Semantic Role Labeling for Sentiment Inference: A Case Study
Manfred Klenner | Anne Göhring

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Building an Extremely Low Resource Language to High Resource Language Machine Translation System from Scratch
Flammie Pirinen | Linda Wiechetek

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More Like This: Semantic Retrieval with Linguistic Information
Steffen Remus | Gregor Wiedemann | Saba Anwar | Fynn Petersen-Frey | Seid Muhie Yimam | Chris Biemann

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TopicShoal: Scaling Partisanship Using Semantic Search
Sami Diaf | Ulrich Fritsche

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Bye, Bye, Maintenance Work? Using Model Cloning to Approximate the Behavior of Legacy Tools
Piush Aggarwal | Torsten Zesch