Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation: Projects/Products

Anthology ID:
May 30–June 1
Riga, Latvia
Baltic Journal of Modern Computing
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TectoMT – a deep linguistic core of the combined Cimera MT system
Martin Popel | Roman Sudarikov | Ondřej Bojar | Rudolf Rosa | Jan Hajič

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WiTKoM – virtual sign language translator project
Katarzyna Barczewska | Jakub Galka | Filip Malawski | Mariusz Mąsior | Dorota Szulc | Tomasz Wilczyński | Krzysztof Wróbel

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Multi-level quality prediction with QuEst++
Gustavo H.Paetzold | Lucia Specia

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Apertium: a free/open source platform for machine translation and basic language technology
Mikel L. Forcada | Francis M. Tyers

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BabelDr: a web platform for rapid construction of phrasebook-style medical speech translation applications
Pierrette Bouillon | Hervé Spechbach

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SCATE – smart computer aided translation environment
V. Vandeghinste | T. Vanallemeersch | L. Augustinus | J. Pelemans | G. Heymans | I. Van der Lek-Ciudin | A. Tezcan | D. Degraen | J. Van den Bergh | L. Macken | E. Lefever | M. Moens | P. Wambacq | F. Steurs | K. Coninx | F. Van Eynde

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HimL: Health in my language
Barry Haddow | Alex Fraser

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OPUS – parallel corpora for everyone
Jörg Tiedemann

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Integration of machine translation paradigms
Marta R. Costa-jussà

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STAR Transit & STAR MT: morphologically generated additional information for improving MT quality
Nadira Hofmann

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AltLang: an automatic converter between varieties of English, Spanish, French and Portuguese
Gema Ramírez-Sànchez

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iEMS – interactive experiment management system for machine translation
Pēteris Ṇikiforovs

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KantanLQR: a platform for human evaluation of machine translation output to drive engine rapid improvement
Laura Casanellas Luri

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PangeaMT v 3 – customise your own machine translation environment
Alexandre Helle | Manuel Herranz

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International translation in the Grammatical Framework (GF)
Aarne Ranta | Kasimir Angelov | Thomas Hallgren | Prasanth Kolachina | Inari Listenmaa

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Domain-specific multilingual translation for producers of information
Aarne Ranta | Kasimir Angelov | Markus Forsberg | Thomas Hallgren

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The EXPERT project: training the future experts in translation technology
Constantin Orašan

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Amplexor MTExpert – machine translation adapted to the translation workflow
Alexandru Ceausu | Sabine Hunsicker | Tudy Droumaguet

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Abu-MaTran: automatic building of machine translation
Antonio Toral | Sergio Ortiz Rojas | Mikel Forcada | Nikola Lubesic | Prokopis Prokopidis

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TraMOOC (Translation for Massive Open Online Courses): providing reliable MT for MOOCs
Valia Kordoni | Lexi Birch | Ioana Buliga | Kostadin Cholakov | Markus Egg | Federico Gaspari | Yota Georgakopolou | Maria Gialama | Iris Hendrickx | Mitja Jermol | Katia Kermanidis | Joss Moorkens | Davor Orlic | Michael Papadopoulos | Maja Popović | Rico Sennrich | Vilelmini Sosoni | Dimitrios Tsoumakos | Antal van den Bosch | Menno van Zaanen | Andy Way

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Modern MT: a new open-source machine translation platform for the translation industry
U. Germann | E. Barbu | L. Bentivogli | N. Bertoldi | N. Bogoychev | C. Buck | D. Caroselli | L. Carvalho | A. Cattelan | R. Cettolo | M. Federico | B. Haddow | D. Madl | L. Mastrostefano | P. Mathur | A. Ruopp | A. Samiotou | V. Sudharshan | M. Trombetti | Jan van der Meer

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MODERN: modelling discourse entities and relations for coherent machine translation
A. Popescu-Belis | J. Evers-Vermeul | M. Fishel | C. Grisot | M. Groen | J. Hoeck | S. Loaiciga | N. Q. Luong | L. Mascarelli | T. Meyer | L. Miculicich | J. Moeschler | X. Pu | A. Rios | T. Sanders | M. Volk | S. Zufferey

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Digital curation technologies (DKT)
Georg Rehm | Felix Sasaki

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CRACKER – cracking the language barrier. Selected results 2015/2016
Georg Rehm