Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 28
- Anthology ID:
- Month:
- November 16-17
- Year:
- 2006
- Address:
- London, UK
- Venue:
- TC
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Aslib
- URL:
- DOI:
Developing Effective Localization Tools Strategies
Robert Martin
Beverley White
Tim Swales
Translation Memories Survey 2006: User’s Perceptions Around TM Usage
Elina Lagoudaki
Going Global with the TextBase Translation Memory
François Tardif
Anne Laugesen - Supporting a Conference Interpreter’s Workflow
Anja Ruetten
Training Initiatives in Localization - the Vendor’s View
Charles Campbell
Satellites of Knowledge Networking the Voices of Academia and the Profession
Debbie Folaron
W3C Internationalization Tag Set: A Gentle Introduction
Christian Lieske
Improving the Quality of Automated DVD Subtitles via Example-Based Machine Translation
Stephen Armstrong
Automatic Multilingual Subtitling in the eTitle Project
Antoni Oliver Gonzalez
Integrated Bilingual Specialist Dictionaries - the LexTerm Initiative
Marie-Jeanne Derouin
Opentrad Apertium Open-Source Machine Translation System: an Opportunity for Business and Research
Gema Ramirez-Sánchez
Business Process Outsourcing in Document Management
Luc Huygh
The Use of Multilevel Annotation and Alignment for the Translator
Mihaela Vela
Fully Automatic High Quality Machine Translation of Restricted Text - A Case Study
Uwe Muegge