Proceedings of the 6th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue

Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Lisbon, Portugal
Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGdial)
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Proceedings of the 6th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue
Laila Dybkjær | Wolfgang Minker

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Where do we go from here? Research and Commercial Spoken Dialog Systems
Roberto Pieraccini | Juan Huerta

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Early Preparation of Experimentally Elicited Minimal Responses
Wieneke Wesseling | R. J. J. H. van Son

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Accenting Deaccenting and Information Structure in Italian Dialogue
Cinzia Avesani | Mario Vayra

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Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes with Continuous Observations for Dialogue Management
Jason D. Williams | Pascal Poupart | Steve Young

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The Markov Assumption in Spoken Dialogue Management
Tim Paek | David Maxwell Chickering

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Quantitative Evaluation of User Simulation Techniques for Spoken Dialogue Systems
Jost Schatzmann | Kallirroi Georgila | Steve Young

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Automatic Induction of Language Model Data for A Spoken Dialogue System
Grace Chung | Stephanie Seneff | Chao Wang

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Does this Answer your Question? Towards Dialogue Management for Restricted Domain Question Answering Systems
Matthias Denecke | Norihito Yasuda

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Using Machine Learning for Non-Sentential Utterance Classification
Raquel Fernández | Jonathan Ginzburg | Shalom Lappin

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Using Bigrams to Identify Relationships Between Student Certainness States and Tutor Responses in a Spoken Dialogue Corpus
Kate Forbes-Riley | Diane J. Litman

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A Corpus Collection and Annotation Framework for Learning Multimodal Clarification Strategies
Verena Rieser | Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová | Oliver Lemon

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A Corpus for Studying Addressing Behavior in Multi-Party Dialogues
Natasa Jovanovic | Rieks op den Akker | Anton Nijholt

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Meeting Structure Annotation: Data and Tools
Alexander Gruenstein | John Niekrasz | Matthew Purver

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Sorry and I Didn’t Catch That! - An Investigation of Non-understanding Errors and Recovery Strategies
Dan Bohus | Alexander I. Rudnicky

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Developing City Name Acquisition Strategies in Spoken Dialogue Systems Via User Simulation
Ed Filisko | Stephanie Seneff

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Evaluation of a Dialogue System in an Automotive Environment
Liza Hassel | Eli Hagen

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Parameters for Quantifying the Interaction with Spoken Dialogue Telephone Services
Sebastian Möller

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GALATEA: A Discourse Modeller Supporting Concept-Level Error Handling in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Gabriel Skantze

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A Hybrid Model for Tutorial Dialogs
Helmut Horacek | Magdalena Wolska

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A Collaborative Problem-Solving Model of Dialogue
Nate Blaylock | James Allen

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Using Language Modelling to Integrate Speech Recognition with a Flat Semantic Analysis
Dirk Büler | Wolfgang Minker | Artha Elciyanti

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Speech-Controlled Media File Selection on Embedded Systems
Yu-Fang H. Wang | Stefan W. Hamerich | Marcus E. Hennecke | Volker M. Schubert

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Adaptation of an Automotive Dialogue System to Users’ Expertise
Lisa Hassel | Eli Hagen

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DialogDesigner - A Tool for Rapid System Design and Evaluation
Hans Dybkjær | Laila Dybkjær

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Dealing with Doctors: A Virtual Human for Non-team Interaction
David Traum | William Swartout | Jonathan Gratch | Stacy Marsella | Patrick Kenny | Eduard Hovy | Shri Narayanan | Ed Fast | Bilyana Martinovski | Rahul Baghat | Susan Robinson | Andrew Marshall | Dagen Wang | Sudeep Gandhe | Anton Leuski

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Meet Hans Christian Andersen
Niels Ole Bernsen | Laila Dybkjær

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How to do Dialogue in a Fairy-tale World
Johan Boye | Joakim Gustafson