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This paper describes our system submitted to task 4 of SemEval 2020: Commonsense Validation and Explanation (ComVE) which consists of three sub-tasks. The task is to directly validate the given sentence whether or not to make sense and require the model to explain it. Based on BERT architecture with the multi-task setting, we propose an effective and interpretable “Explain, Reason and Predict” (ERP) system to solve the three sub-tasks about commonsense: (a) Validation, (b) Reasoning, and (c) Explanation. Inspired by cognitive studies of common sense, our system first generates a reason or understanding of the sentences and then choose which one statement makes sense, which is achieved by multi-task learning. During the post-evaluation, our system has reached 92.9% accuracy in subtask A (rank 11), 89.7% accuracy in subtask B (rank 9), and BLEU score of 12.9 in subtask C (rank 8).
This paper describes our system (RESOLVER) submitted to the CoNLL 2019 shared task on Cross-Framework Meaning Representation Parsing (MRP). Our system implements a transition-based parser with a directed acyclic graph (DAG) to tree preprocessor and a novel cross-framework variable-arity resolve action that generalizes over five different representations. Although we ranked low in the competition, we have shown the current limitations and potentials of including variable-arity action in MRP and concluded with directions for improvements in the future.
We present SUNNYNLP, our system for solving SemEval 2018 Task 10: “Capturing Discriminative Attributes”. Our Support-Vector-Machine(SVM)-based system combines features extracted from pre-trained embeddings and statistical information from Is-A taxonomy to detect semantic difference of concepts pairs. Our system is demonstrated to be effective in detecting semantic difference and is ranked 1st in the competition in terms of F1 measure. The open source of our code is coined SUNNYNLP.