@inproceedings{lafourcade-etal-2016-construire, title = "Construire un lexique de sentiments par crowdsourcing et propagation (Building a sentiment lexicon through crowdsourcing and spreading)", author = "Lafourcade, Mathieu and Brun, Nathalie Le and Joubert, Alain", editor = "Danlos, Laurence and Hamon, Thierry", booktitle = "Actes de la conf{\'e}rence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016. volume 2 : TALN (Articles longs)", month = "7", year = "2016", address = "Paris, France", publisher = "AFCP - ATALA", url = "https://preview.aclanthology.org/jlcl-multiple-ingestion/2016.jeptalnrecital-long.4/", pages = "43--56", language = "fra" }