Zhiwei He


Improving Machine Translation with Human Feedback: An Exploration of Quality Estimation as a Reward Model
Zhiwei He | Xing Wang | Wenxiang Jiao | Zhuosheng Zhang | Rui Wang | Shuming Shi | Zhaopeng Tu
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Insufficient modeling of human preferences within the reward model is a major obstacle for leveraging human feedback to improve translation quality. Fortunately, quality estimation (QE), which predicts the quality of a given translation without reference, has achieved impressive alignment with human evaluations in the last two years. In this work, we investigate the potential of employing the QE model as the reward model to predict human preferences for feedback training. We first identify the overoptimization problem during QE-based feedback training, manifested as an increase in reward while translation quality declines. We examine the problem and argue that the vulnerability of the QE model might lead to high rewards for incorrect translations, resulting in overoptimization and error propagation. To address the problem, we adopt a simple yet effective method that uses heuristic rules to detect the incorrect translations and assigns a penalty term to the reward scores of them. Experimental results show that the proposed QE-based feedback training achieves consistent and significant improvements across various settings, further verified through human preference studies. Our subsequent analysis demonstrates the high data efficiency of the proposed QE-based feedback training: it outperforms systems using larger parallel corpora by a small amount of monolingual data. Our code is available at: https://github.com/zwhe99/FeedbackMT

CLEANEVAL: Clean Evaluation on Contaminated Large Language Models
Wenhong Zhu | Hongkun Hao | Zhiwei He | Yun-Ze Song | Jiao Yueyang | Yumeng Zhang | Hanxu Hu | Yiran Wei | Rui Wang | Hongyuan Lu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

We are currently in an era of fierce competition among various large language models (LLMs), continuously pushing the boundaries of benchmark performance. However, genuinely assessing the capabilities of these LLMs has become a challenging and critical issue due to potential data contamination. In this paper, we propose a novel and valuable method, Clean-Eval, which mitigates the issue of data contamination and evaluates the LLMs more cleanly. Clean-Eval employs a neural-based model to paraphrase and back-translate the contaminated data into a candidate set, generating expressions with the same meaning but in different surface forms. A semantic detector is then used to filter those generated low-quality samples to narrow down this candidate set. Candidates with moderate BLEURT scores against the original samples are selected as the final evaluation set. According to human assessment, this set is almost semantically equivalent to the original contamination set but expressed differently. We conduct experiments on 20 existing benchmarks across diverse tasks, and results demonstrate that Clean-Eval substantially restores the actual evaluation results on contaminated LLMs under both few-shot learning and fine-tuning scenarios.

Exploring Human-Like Translation Strategy with Large Language Models
Zhiwei He | Tian Liang | Wenxiang Jiao | Zhuosheng Zhang | Yujiu Yang | Rui Wang | Zhaopeng Tu | Shuming Shi | Xing Wang
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 12

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in general scenarios, exhibiting a level of aptitude that approaches, in some aspects even surpasses, human-level intelligence. Among their numerous skills, the translation abilities of LLMs have received considerable attention. Compared to typical machine translation that focuses solely on source-to-target mapping, LLM-based translation can potentially mimic the human translation process, which might take preparatory steps to ensure high-quality translation. This work explores this possibility by proposing the MAPS framework, which stands for Multi-Aspect Prompting and Selection. Specifically, we enable LLMs first to analyze the given source sentence and induce three aspects of translation-related knowledge (keywords, topics, and relevant demonstrations) to guide the final translation process. Moreover, we employ a selection mechanism based on quality estimation to filter out noisy and unhelpful knowledge. Both automatic (3 LLMs × 11 directions × 2 automatic metrics) and human evaluation (preference study and MQM) demonstrate the effectiveness of MAPS. Further analysis shows that by mimicking the human translation process, MAPS reduces various translation errors such as hallucination, ambiguity, mistranslation, awkward style, untranslated text, and omission. Source code is available at https://github.com/zwhe99/MAPS-mt.


ParroT: Translating during Chat using Large Language Models tuned with Human Translation and Feedback
Wenxiang Jiao | Jen-tse Huang | Wenxuan Wang | Zhiwei He | Tian Liang | Xing Wang | Shuming Shi | Zhaopeng Tu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have exhibited remarkable abilities on a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) tasks, including various machine translation abilities accomplished during chat. However, these models are only accessible through restricted APIs, which creates barriers to new research and advancements in the field. Therefore, we propose ParroT, a framework to enhance and regulate the translation abilities during chat based on open-source LLMs (e.g., LLaMA), human-written translation and feedback data. Specifically, ParroT reformulates translation data into the instruction-following style, and introduces a “Hint” field for incorporating extra requirements to regulate the translation process. Accordingly, we propose three instruction types for finetuning ParroT models, including translation instruction, contrastive instruction, and error-guided instruction. Experiments on Flores subsets and WMT22 test sets suggest that translation instruction improves the translation performance of vanilla LLMs significantly while error-guided instruction can lead to further improvement, which demonstrates the importance of learning from low-quality translations annotated by humans. We also demonstrate the potential of automatic evaluation tools in providing quality information of translations, when constructing error-guided instructions for directions that lack human annotation data. Please refer to our Github project for more implementation details: https://github.com/wxjiao/ParroT.

TeCS: A Dataset and Benchmark for Tense Consistency of Machine Translation
Yiming Ai | Zhiwei He | Kai Yu | Rui Wang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Tense inconsistency frequently occurs in machine translation. However, there are few criteria to assess the model’s mastery of tense prediction from a linguistic perspective. In this paper, we present a parallel tense test set, containing French-English 552 utterances. We also introduce a corresponding benchmark, tense prediction accuracy. With the tense test set and the benchmark, researchers are able to measure the tense consistency performance of machine translation systems for the first time.


Tencent AI Lab - Shanghai Jiao Tong University Low-Resource Translation System for the WMT22 Translation Task
Zhiwei He | Xing Wang | Zhaopeng Tu | Shuming Shi | Rui Wang
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation (WMT)

This paper describes Tencent AI Lab - Shanghai Jiao Tong University (TAL-SJTU) Low-Resource Translation systems for the WMT22 shared task. We participate in the general translation task on English-Livonian.Our system is based on M2M100 with novel techniques that adapt it to the target language pair.(1) Cross-model word embedding alignment: inspired by cross-lingual word embedding alignment, we successfully transfer a pre-trained word embedding to M2M100, enabling it to support Livonian.(2) Gradual adaptation strategy: we exploit Estonian and Latvian as auxiliary languages for many-to-many translation training and then adapt to English-Livonian.(3) Data augmentation: to enlarge the parallel data for English-Livonian, we construct pseudo-parallel data with Estonian and Latvian as pivot languages.(4) Fine-tuning: to make the most of all available data, we fine-tune the model with the validation set and online back-translation, further boosting the performance. In model evaluation: (1) We find that previous work underestimated the translation performance of Livonian due to inconsistent Unicode normalization, which may cause a discrepancy of up to 14.9 BLEU score.(2) In addition to the standard validation set, we also employ round-trip BLEU to evaluate the models, which we find more appropriate for this task. Finally, our unconstrained system achieves BLEU scores of 17.0 and 30.4 for English to/from Livonian.

Bridging the Data Gap between Training and Inference for Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation
Zhiwei He | Xing Wang | Rui Wang | Shuming Shi | Zhaopeng Tu
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Back-translation is a critical component of Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation (UNMT), which generates pseudo parallel data from target monolingual data. A UNMT model is trained on the pseudo parallel data with translated source, and translates natural source sentences in inference. The source discrepancy between training and inference hinders the translation performance of UNMT models. By carefully designing experiments, we identify two representative characteristics of the data gap in source: (1) style gap (i.e., translated vs. natural text style) that leads to poor generalization capability; (2) content gap that induces the model to produce hallucination content biased towards the target language. To narrow the data gap, we propose an online self-training approach, which simultaneously uses the pseudo parallel data {natural source, translated target} to mimic the inference scenario. Experimental results on several widely-used language pairs show that our approach outperforms two strong baselines (XLM and MASS) by remedying the style and content gaps.