Yike Wang


LMEME at SemEval-2024 Task 4: Teacher Student Fusion - Integrating CLIP with LLMs for Enhanced Persuasion Detection
Shiyi Li | Yike Wang | Liang Yang | Shaowu Zhang | Hongfei Lin
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

This paper describes our system used in the SemEval-2024 Task 4 Multilingual Detection of Persuasion Techniques in Memes. Our team proposes a detection system that employs a Teacher Student Fusion framework. Initially, a Large Language Model serves as the teacher, engaging in abductive reasoning on multimodal inputs to generate background knowledge on persuasion techniques, assisting in the training of a smaller downstream model. The student model adopts CLIP as an encoder for text and image features, and we incorporate an attention mechanism for modality alignment. Ultimately, our proposed system achieves a Macro-F1 score of 0.8103, ranking 1st out of 20 on the leaderboard of Subtask 2b in English. In Bulgarian, Macedonian and Arabic, our detection capabilities are ranked 1/15, 3/15 and 14/15.