Yaxin Zhu


ICXML: An In-Context Learning Framework for Zero-Shot Extreme Multi-Label Classification
Yaxin Zhu | Hamed Zamani
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

This paper focuses on the task of Extreme Multi-Label Classification (XMC) whose goal is to predict multiple labels for each instance from an extremely large label space. While existing research has primarily focused on fully supervised XMC, real-world scenarios often lack supervision signals, highlighting the importance of zero-shot settings. Given the large label space, utilizing in-context learning approaches is not trivial. We address this issue by introducing In-Context Extreme Multi-label Learning (ICXML), a two-stage framework that cuts down the search space by generating a set of candidate labels through in-context learning and then reranks them. Extensive experiments suggest that ICXML advances the state of the art on two diverse public benchmarks.


Predicting Prerequisite Relations for Unseen Concepts
Yaxin Zhu | Hamed Zamani
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Concept prerequisite learning (CPL) plays a key role in developing technologies that assist people to learn a new complex topic or concept. Previous work commonly assumes that all concepts are given at training time and solely focuses on predicting the unseen prerequisite relationships between them. However, many real-world scenarios deal with concepts that are left undiscovered at training time, which is relatively unexplored. This paper studies this problem and proposes a novel alternating knowledge distillation approach to take advantage of both content- and graph-based models for this task. Extensive experiments on three public benchmarks demonstrate up to 10% improvements in terms of F1 score.


Faithfully Explainable Recommendation via Neural Logic Reasoning
Yaxin Zhu | Yikun Xian | Zuohui Fu | Gerard de Melo | Yongfeng Zhang
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Knowledge graphs (KG) have become increasingly important to endow modern recommender systems with the ability to generate traceable reasoning paths to explain the recommendation process. However, prior research rarely considers the faithfulness of the derived explanations to justify the decision-making process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that models and evaluates faithfully explainable recommendation under the framework of KG reasoning. Specifically, we propose neural logic reasoning for explainable recommendation (LOGER) by drawing on interpretable logical rules to guide the path-reasoning process for explanation generation. We experiment on three large-scale datasets in the e-commerce domain, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method in delivering high-quality recommendations as well as ascertaining the faithfulness of the derived explanation.

Data Augmentation with Adversarial Training for Cross-Lingual NLI
Xin Dong | Yaxin Zhu | Zuohui Fu | Dongkuan Xu | Gerard de Melo
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Due to recent pretrained multilingual representation models, it has become feasible to exploit labeled data from one language to train a cross-lingual model that can then be applied to multiple new languages. In practice, however, we still face the problem of scarce labeled data, leading to subpar results. In this paper, we propose a novel data augmentation strategy for better cross-lingual natural language inference by enriching the data to reflect more diversity in a semantically faithful way. To this end, we propose two methods of training a generative model to induce synthesized examples, and then leverage the resulting data using an adversarial training regimen for more robustness. In a series of detailed experiments, we show that this fruitful combination leads to substantial gains in cross-lingual inference.