Xin Su


Semi-Structured Chain-of-Thought: Integrating Multiple Sources of Knowledge for Improved Language Model Reasoning
Xin Su | Tiep Le | Steven Bethard | Phillip Howard
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

An important open question in the use of large language models for knowledge-intensive tasks is how to effectively integrate knowledge from three sources: the model’s parametric memory, external structured knowledge, and external unstructured knowledge. Most existing prompting methods either rely on one or two of these sources, or require repeatedly invoking large language models to generate similar or identical content. In this work, we overcome these limitations by introducing a novel semi-structured prompting approach that seamlessly integrates the model’s parametric memory with unstructured knowledge from text documents and structured knowledge from knowledge graphs. Experimental results on open-domain multi-hop question answering datasets demonstrate that our prompting method significantly surpasses existing techniques, even exceeding those that require fine-tuning.


Fusing Temporal Graphs into Transformers for Time-Sensitive Question Answering
Xin Su | Phillip Howard | Nagib Hakim | Steven Bethard
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Answering time-sensitive questions from long documents requires temporal reasoning over the times in questions and documents. An important open question is whether large language models can perform such reasoning solely using a provided text document, or whether they can benefit from additional temporal information extracted using other systems. We address this research question by applying existing temporal information extraction systems to construct temporal graphs of events, times, and temporal relations in questions and documents. We then investigate different approaches for fusing these graphs into Transformer models. Experimental results show that our proposed approach for fusing temporal graphs into input text substantially enhances the temporal reasoning capabilities of Transformer models with or without fine-tuning. Additionally, our proposed method outperforms various graph convolution-based approaches and establishes a new state-of-the-art performance on SituatedQA and three splits of TimeQA.


A Comparison of Strategies for Source-Free Domain Adaptation
Xin Su | Yiyun Zhao | Steven Bethard
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Data sharing restrictions are common in NLP, especially in the clinical domain, but there is limited research on adapting models to new domains without access to the original training data, a setting known as source-free domain adaptation. We take algorithms that traditionally assume access to the source-domain training data—active learning, self-training, and data augmentation—and adapt them for source free domain adaptation. Then we systematically compare these different strategies across multiple tasks and domains. We find that active learning yields consistent gains across all SemEval 2021 Task 10 tasks and domains, but though the shared task saw successful self-trained and data augmented models, our systematic comparison finds these strategies to be unreliable for source-free domain adaptation.


SemEval-2021 Task 10: Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Semantic Processing
Egoitz Laparra | Xin Su | Yiyun Zhao | Özlem Uzuner | Timothy Miller | Steven Bethard
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021)

This paper presents the Source-Free Domain Adaptation shared task held within SemEval-2021. The aim of the task was to explore adaptation of machine-learning models in the face of data sharing constraints. Specifically, we consider the scenario where annotations exist for a domain but cannot be shared. Instead, participants are provided with models trained on that (source) data. Participants also receive some labeled data from a new (development) domain on which to explore domain adaptation algorithms. Participants are then tested on data representing a new (target) domain. We explored this scenario with two different semantic tasks: negation detection (a text classification task) and time expression recognition (a sequence tagging task).

The University of Arizona at SemEval-2021 Task 10: Applying Self-training, Active Learning and Data Augmentation to Source-free Domain Adaptation
Xin Su | Yiyun Zhao | Steven Bethard
Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2021)

This paper describes our systems for negation detection and time expression recognition in SemEval 2021 Task 10, Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Semantic Processing. We show that self-training, active learning and data augmentation techniques can improve the generalization ability of the model on the unlabeled target domain data without accessing source domain data. We also perform detailed ablation studies and error analyses for our time expression recognition systems to identify the source of the performance improvement and give constructive feedback on the temporal normalization annotation guidelines.