S.M Towhidul Islam Tonmoy

Also published as: S.m Towhidul Islam Tonmoy


FACTIFY-5WQA: 5W Aspect-based Fact Verification through Question Answering
Anku Rani | S.M Towhidul Islam Tonmoy | Dwip Dalal | Shreya Gautam | Megha Chakraborty | Aman Chadha | Amit Sheth | Amitava Das
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Automatic fact verification has received significant attention recently. Contemporary automatic fact-checking systems focus on estimating truthfulness using numerical scores which are not human-interpretable. A human fact-checker generally follows several logical steps to verify a verisimilitude claim and conclude whether it’s truthful or a mere masquerade. Popular fact-checking websites follow a common structure for fact categorization such as half true, half false, false, pants on fire, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to have an aspect-based (delineating which part(s) are true and which are false) explainable system that can assist human fact-checkers in asking relevant questions related to a fact, which can then be validated separately to reach a final verdict. In this paper, we propose a 5W framework (who, what, when, where, and why) for question-answer-based fact explainability. To that end, we present a semi-automatically generated dataset called FACTIFY-5WQA, which consists of 391, 041 facts along with relevant 5W QAs – underscoring our major contribution to this paper. A semantic role labeling system has been utilized to locate 5Ws, which generates QA pairs for claims using a masked language model. Finally, we report a baseline QA system to automatically locate those answers from evidence documents, which can serve as a baseline for future research in the field. Lastly, we propose a robust fact verification system that takes paraphrased claims and automatically validates them. The dataset and the baseline model are available at https: //github.com/ankuranii/acl-5W-QA

Embeddings at BLP-2023 Task 2: Optimizing Fine-Tuned Transformers with Cost-Sensitive Learning for Multiclass Sentiment Analysis
S.m Towhidul Islam Tonmoy
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Bangla Language Processing (BLP-2023)

In this study, we address the task of Sentiment Analysis for Bangla Social Media Posts, introduced in first Workshop on Bangla Language Processing (CITATION). Our research encountered two significant challenges in the context of sentiment analysis. The first challenge involved extensive training times and memory constraints when we chose to employ oversampling techniques for addressing class imbalance in an attempt to enhance model performance. Conversely, when opting for undersampling, the training time was optimal, but this approach resulted in poor model performance. These challenges highlight the complex trade-offs involved in selecting sampling methods to address class imbalances in sentiment analysis tasks. We tackle these challenges through cost-sensitive approaches aimed at enhancing model performance. In our initial submission during the evaluation phase, we ranked 9th out of 30 participants with an F1-micro score of 0.7088 . Subsequently, through additional experimentation, we managed to elevate our F1-micro score to 0.7186 by leveraging the BanglaBERT-Large model in combination with the Self-adjusting Dice loss function. Our experiments highlight the effect in performance of the models achieved by modifying the loss function. Our experimental data and source code can be found here.

Counter Turing Test (CT2): AI-Generated Text Detection is Not as Easy as You May Think - Introducing AI Detectability Index (ADI)
Megha Chakraborty | S.M Towhidul Islam Tonmoy | S M Mehedi Zaman | Shreya Gautam | Tanay Kumar | Krish Sharma | Niyar Barman | Chandan Gupta | Vinija Jain | Aman Chadha | Amit Sheth | Amitava Das
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

With the rise of prolific ChatGPT, the risk and consequences of AI-generated text has increased alarmingly. This triggered a series of events, including an open letter, signed by thousands of researchers and tech leaders in March 2023, demanding a six-month moratorium on the training of AI systems more sophisticated than GPT-4. To address the inevitable question of ownership attribution for AI-generated artifacts, the US Copyright Office released a statement stating that “if the content is traditional elements of authorship produced by a machine, the work lacks human authorship and the office will not register it for copyright”. Furthermore, both the US and the EU governments have recently drafted their initial proposals regarding the regulatory framework for AI. Given this cynosural spotlight on generative AI, AI-generated text detection (AGTD) has emerged as a topic that has already received immediate attention in research, with some initial methods having been proposed, soon followed by the emergence of techniques to bypass detection. This paper introduces the Counter Turing Test (CT2), a benchmark consisting of techniques aiming to offer a comprehensive evaluation of the robustness of existing AGTD techniques. Our empirical findings unequivocally highlight the fragility of the proposed AGTD methods under scrutiny. Amidst the extensive deliberations on policy-making for regulating AI development, it is of utmost importance to assess the detectability of content generated by LLMs. Thus, to establish a quantifiable spectrum facilitating the evaluation and ranking of LLMs according to their detectability levels, we propose the AI Detectability Index (ADI). We conduct a thorough examination of 15 contemporary LLMs, empirically demonstrating that larger LLMs tend to have a lower ADI, indicating they are less detectable compared to smaller LLMs. We firmly believe that ADI holds significant value as a tool for the wider NLP community, with the potential to serve as a rubric in AI-related policy-making.

The Troubling Emergence of Hallucination in Large Language Models - An Extensive Definition, Quantification, and Prescriptive Remediations
Vipula Rawte | Swagata Chakraborty | Agnibh Pathak | Anubhav Sarkar | S.M Towhidul Islam Tonmoy | Aman Chadha | Amit Sheth | Amitava Das
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have garnered widespread acclaim for their remarkable emerging capabilities. However, the issue of hallucination has parallelly emerged as a by-product, posing significant concerns. While some recent endeavors have been made to identify and mitigate different types of hallucination, there has been a limited emphasis on the nuanced categorization of hallucination and associated mitigation methods. To address this gap, we offer a fine-grained discourse on profiling hallucination based on its degree, orientation, and category, along with offering strategies for alleviation. As such, we define two overarching orientations of hallucination: (i) factual mirage (FM) and (ii) silver lining (SL). To provide a more comprehensive understanding, both orientations are further sub-categorized into intrinsic and extrinsic, with three degrees of severity - (i) mild, (ii) moderate, and (iii) alarming. We also meticulously categorize hallucination into six types: (i) acronym ambiguity, (ii) numeric nuisance, (iii) generated golem, (iv) virtual voice, (v) geographic erratum, and (vi) time wrap. Furthermore, we curate HallucInation eLiciTation (HILT), a publicly available dataset comprising of 75,000 samples generated using 15 contemporary LLMs along with human annotations for the aforementioned categories. Finally, to establish a method for quantifying and to offer a comparative spectrum that allows us to evaluate and rank LLMs based on their vulnerability to producing hallucinations, we propose Hallucination Vulnerability Index (HVI). Amidst the extensive deliberations on policy-making for regulating AI development, it is of utmost importance to assess and measure which LLM is more vulnerable towards hallucination. We firmly believe that HVI holds significant value as a tool for the wider NLP community, with the potential to serve as a rubric in AI-related policy-making. In conclusion, we propose two solution strategies for mitigating hallucinations.