Ruiqi Li


Prompt-Singer: Controllable Singing-Voice-Synthesis with Natural Language Prompt
Yongqi Wang | Ruofan Hu | Rongjie Huang | Zhiqing Hong | Ruiqi Li | Wenrui Liu | Fuming You | Tao Jin | Zhou Zhao
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent singing-voice-synthesis (SVS) methods have achieved remarkable audio quality and naturalness, yet they lack the capability to control the style attributes of the synthesized singing explicitly. We propose Prompt-Singer, the first SVS method that enables attribute controlling on singer gender, vocal range and volume with natural language. We adopt a model architecture based on a decoder-only transformer with a multi-scale hierarchy, and design a range-melody decoupled pitch representation that enables text-conditioned vocal range control while keeping melodic accuracy. Furthermore, we explore various experiment settings, including different types of text representations, text encoder fine-tuning, and introducing speech data to alleviate data scarcity, aiming to facilitate further research. Experiments show that our model achieves favorable controlling ability and audio quality. Audio samples are available at .


AlignSTS: Speech-to-Singing Conversion via Cross-Modal Alignment
Ruiqi Li | Rongjie Huang | Lichao Zhang | Jinglin Liu | Zhou Zhao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

The speech-to-singing (STS) voice conversion task aims to generate singing samples corresponding to speech recordings while facing a major challenge: the alignment between the target (singing) pitch contour and the source (speech) content is difficult to learn in a text-free situation. This paper proposes AlignSTS, an STS model based on explicit cross-modal alignment, which views speech variance such as pitch and content as different modalities. Inspired by the mechanism of how humans will sing the lyrics to the melody, AlignSTS: 1) adopts a novel rhythm adaptor to predict the target rhythm representation to bridge the modality gap between content and pitch, where the rhythm representation is computed in a simple yet effective way and is quantized into a discrete space; and 2) uses the predicted rhythm representation to re-align the content based on cross-attention and conducts a cross-modal fusion for re-synthesize. Extensive experiments show that AlignSTS achieves superior performance in terms of both objective and subjective metrics. Audio samples are available at

EDeR: Towards Understanding Dependency Relations Between Events
Ruiqi Li | Patrik Haslum | Leyang Cui
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Relation extraction is a crucial task in natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval (IR). Previous work on event relation extraction mainly focuses on hierarchical, temporal and causal relations. Such relationships consider two events to be independent in terms of syntax and semantics, but they fail to recognize the interdependence between events. To bridge this gap, we introduce a human-annotated Event Dependency Relation dataset (EDeR). The annotation is done on a sample of documents from the OntoNotes dataset, which has the additional benefit that it integrates with existing, orthogonal, annotations of this dataset. We investigate baseline approaches for EDeR’s event dependency relation prediction. We show that recognizing such event dependency relations can further benefit critical NLP tasks, including semantic role labelling and co-reference resolution.