Milton Quranda


Automated Scoring of Clinical Patient Notes: Findings From the Kaggle Competition and Their Translation into Practice
Victoria Yaneva | King Yiu Suen | Le An Ha | Janet Mee | Milton Quranda | Polina Harik
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024)

Scoring clinical patient notes (PNs) written by medical students is a necessary but resource-intensive task in medical education. This paper describes the organization and key lessons from a Kaggle competition on automated scoring of such notes. 1,471 teams took part in the competition and developed an extensive, publicly available code repository of varying solutions evaluated over the first public dataset for this task. The most successful approaches from this community effort are described and utilized in the development of a PN scoring system. We discuss the choice of models and system architecture with a view to operational use and scalability, and evaluate its performance on both the public Kaggle data (10 clinical cases, 43,985 PNs) and an extended internal dataset (178 clinical cases, 6,940 PNs). The results show that the system significantly outperforms a state-of-the-art existing tool for PN scoring and that task-adaptive pretraining using masked language modeling can be an effective approach even for small training samples.