John Torr


LUCID: LLM-Generated Utterances for Complex and Interesting Dialogues
Joe Stacey | Jianpeng Cheng | John Torr | Tristan Guigue | Joris Driesen | Alexandru Coca | Mark Gaynor | Anders Johannsen
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 4: Student Research Workshop)

Spurred by recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs), virtual assistants are poised to take a leap forward in terms of their dialogue capabilities. Yet a major bottleneck to achieving genuinely transformative task-oriented dialogue capabilities remains the scarcity of high quality data. Existing datasets, while impressive in scale, have limited domain coverage and contain few genuinely challenging conversational phenomena; those which are present are typically unlabelled, making it difficult to assess the strengths and weaknesses of models without time-consuming and costly human evaluation. Moreover, creating high quality dialogue data has until now required considerable human input, limiting both the scale of these datasets and the ability to rapidly bootstrap data for a new target domain. We aim to overcome these issues with LUCID, a modularised and highly automated LLM-driven data generation system that produces realistic, diverse and challenging dialogues. We use LUCID to generate a seed dataset of 4,277 conversations across 100 intents to demonstrate its capabilities, with a human review finding consistently high quality labels in the generated data.


Wide-Coverage Neural A* Parsing for Minimalist Grammars
John Torr | Miloš Stanojević | Mark Steedman | Shay B. Cohen
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Minimalist Grammars (Stabler, 1997) are a computationally oriented, and rigorous formalisation of many aspects of Chomsky’s (1995) Minimalist Program. This paper presents the first ever application of this formalism to the task of realistic wide-coverage parsing. The parser uses a linguistically expressive yet highly constrained grammar, together with an adaptation of the A* search algorithm currently used in CCG parsing (Lewis and Steedman, 2014; Lewis et al., 2016), with supertag probabilities provided by a bi-LSTM neural network supertagger trained on MGbank, a corpus of MG derivation trees. We report on some promising initial experimental results for overall dependency recovery as well as on the recovery of certain unbounded long distance dependencies. Finally, although like other MG parsers, ours has a high order polynomial worst case time complexity, we show that in practice its expected time complexity is cubic in the length of the sentence. The parser is publicly available.


Constraining MGbank: Agreement, L-Selection and Supertagging in Minimalist Grammars
John Torr
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

This paper reports on two strategies that have been implemented for improving the efficiency and precision of wide-coverage Minimalist Grammar (MG) parsing. The first extends the formalism presented in Torr and Stabler (2016) with a mechanism for enforcing fine-grained selectional restrictions and agreements. The second is a method for factoring computationally costly null heads out from bottom-up MG parsing; this has the additional benefit of rendering the formalism fully compatible for the first time with highly efficient Markovian supertaggers. These techniques aided in the task of generating MGbank, the first wide-coverage corpus of Minimalist Grammar derivation trees.


Autobank: a semi-automatic annotation tool for developing deep Minimalist Grammar treebanks
John Torr
Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

This paper presents Autobank, a prototype tool for constructing a wide-coverage Minimalist Grammar (MG) (Stabler 1997), and semi-automatically converting the Penn Treebank (PTB) into a deep Minimalist treebank. The front end of the tool is a graphical user interface which facilitates the rapid development of a seed set of MG trees via manual reannotation of PTB preterminals with MG lexical categories. The system then extracts various dependency mappings between the source and target trees, and uses these in concert with a non-statistical MG parser to automatically reannotate the rest of the corpus. Autobank thus enables deep treebank conversions (and subsequent modifications) without the need for complex transduction algorithms accompanied by cascades of ad hoc rules; instead, the locus of human effort falls directly on the task of grammar construction itself.


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Coordination in Minimalist Grammars: Excorporation and Across the Board (Head) Movement
John Torr | Edward P. Stabler
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms (TAG+12)