SubmissionNumber#=%=#68 FinalPaperTitle#=%=#CRCL at SemEval-2024 Task 2: Simple prompt optimizations ShortPaperTitle#=%=# NumberOfPages#=%=#6 CopyrightSigned#=%=#ClementBM JobTitle#==# Organization#==#CRCL Abstract#==#We present a baseline for the SemEval 2024 task 2 challenge, whose objective is to ascertain the inference relationship between pairs of clinical trial report sections and statements. We apply prompt optimization techniques with LLM Instruct models provided as a Language Model-as-a-Service (LMaaS). We observed, in line with recent findings, that synthetic CoT prompts significantly enhance manually crafted ones. The source code is available at this GitHub repository Author{1}{Firstname}#=%=#Clement Author{1}{Lastname}#=%=#Brutti-Mairesse Author{1}{Username}#=%=#clementbm Author{1}{Email} Author{1}{Affiliation}#=%=#CRCL ========== èéáğö