BDCN: Semantic Embedding Self-explanatory Breast Diagnostic Capsules Network

Chen Dehua, Zhong Keting, He Jianrong

Building an interpretable AI diagnosis system for breast cancer is an important embodiment ofAI assisted medicine. Traditional breast cancer diagnosis methods based on machine learning areeasy to explain but the accuracy is very low. Deep neural network greatly improves the accuracy of diagnosis but the black box model does not provide transparency and interpretation. In this work we propose a semantic embedding self-explanatory Breast Diagnostic Capsules Network(BDCN). This model is the first to combine the capsule network with semantic embedding for theAI diagnosis of breast tumors using capsules to simulate semantics. We pre-trained the extrac-tion word vector by embedding the semantic tree into the BERT and used the capsule network to improve the semantic representation of multiple heads of attention to construct the extraction feature the capsule network was extended from the computer vision classification task to the text classification task. Simultaneously both the back propagation principle and dynamic routing algorithm are used to realize the local interpretability of the diagnostic model. The experimental results show that this breast diagnosis model improves the model performance and has good interpretability which is more suitable for clinical situations. IntroductionBreast cancer is an important killer threatening women’s health because of rising incidence. Early detection and diagnosis are the key to reduce the mortality rate of breast cancer and improve the quality of life of patients. Mammary gland molybdenum target report contains rich semantic information whichcan directly reflect the results of breast cancer screening (CACA-CBCS 2019) and AI-assisted diagno-sis of breast cancer is an important means. Therefore various diagnostic models were born. Mengwan(2020) used support vector machine(SVM) and Naive Bayes to classify morphological features with anaccuracy of 91.11%. Wei (2009) proposed a classification method of breast cancer based on SVM andthe accuracy of the classifier experiment is 79.25%. These traditional AI diagnoses of breast tumors havelimited data volume and low accuracy. Deep Neural Networks (DNN) enters into the ranks of the diagno-sis of breast tumor. Wang (2019) put forward a kind of based on feature fusion with CNN deep features of breast computer-aided diagnosis methods the accuracy is 92.3%. Zhao (2018) investigated capsule networks with dynamic routing for text classification which proves the feasibility of text categorization. Existing models have poor predictive effect and lack of interpretation which can not meet the clinical needs.
Anthology ID:
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
Huhhot, China
Sheng Li (李生), Maosong Sun (孙茂松), Yang Liu (刘洋), Hua Wu (吴华), Kang Liu (刘康), Wanxiang Che (车万翔), Shizhu He (何世柱), Gaoqi Rao (饶高琦)
Chinese Information Processing Society of China
Cite (ACL):
Chen Dehua, Zhong Keting, and He Jianrong. 2021. BDCN: Semantic Embedding Self-explanatory Breast Diagnostic Capsules Network. In Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics, pages 1178–1189, Huhhot, China. Chinese Information Processing Society of China.
Cite (Informal):
BDCN: Semantic Embedding Self-explanatory Breast Diagnostic Capsules Network (Dehua et al., CCL 2021)
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