Proceedings of the 15th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Workshop 2: Corpus Generation and Corpus Augmentation for Machine Translation)

John E. Ortega, Marine Carpuat, William Chen, Katharina Kann, Constantine Lignos, Maja Popovic, Shabnam Tafreshi (Editors)

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Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
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Proceedings of the 15th biennial conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (Workshop 2: Corpus Generation and Corpus Augmentation for Machine Translation)
John E. Ortega | Marine Carpuat | William Chen | Katharina Kann | Constantine Lignos | Maja Popovic | Shabnam Tafreshi

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English-Russian Data Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation
Nikita Teslenko Grygoryev | Mercedes Garcia Martinez | Francisco Casacuberta Nolla | Amando Estela Pastor | Manuel Herranz

Data Augmentation (DA) refers to strategies for increasing the diversity of training examples without explicitly collecting new data manually. We have used neural networks and linguistic resources for the automatic generation of text in Russian. The system generates new texts using information from embeddings trained with a huge amount of data in neural language models. Data from the public domain have been used for experiments. The generation of these texts increases the corpus used to train models for NLP tasks, such as machine translation. Finally, an analysis of the results obtained evaluating the quality of generated texts has been carried out and those texts have been added to the training process of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models. In order to evaluate the quality of the NMT models, firstly, these models have been compared performing a quantitative analysis by means of several standard automatic metrics used in machine translation, and measuring the time spent and the amount of text generated for a good use in the language industry. Secondly, NMT models have been compared through a qualitative analysis, where generated examples of translation have been exposed and compared with each other. Using our DA method, we achieve better results than a baseline model by fine tuning NMT systems with the newly generated datasets.

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Efficient Machine Translation Corpus Generation
Kamer Ali Yuksel | Ahmet Gunduz | Shreyas Sharma | Hassan Sawaf

This paper proposes an efficient and semi-automated method for human-in-the-loop post- editing for machine translation (MT) corpus generation. The method is based on online training of a custom MT quality estimation metric on-the-fly as linguists perform post-edits. The online estimator is used to prioritize worse hypotheses for post-editing, and auto-close best hypothe- ses without post-editing. This way, significant improvements can be achieved in the resulting quality of post-edits at a lower cost due to reduced human involvement. The trained estimator can also provide an online sanity check mechanism for post-edits and remove the need for ad- ditional linguists to review them or work on the same hypotheses. In this paper, the effect of prioritizing with the proposed method on the resulting MT corpus quality is presented versus scheduling hypotheses randomly. As demonstrated by experiments, the proposed method im- proves the lifecycle of MT models by focusing the linguist effort on production samples and hypotheses, which matter most for expanding MT corpora to be used for re-training them

Building and Analysis of Tamil Lyric Corpus with Semantic Representation
Karthika Ranganathan | Geetha T V

In the new era of modern technology, the cloud has become the library for many things including entertainment, i.e, the availability of lyrics. In order to create awareness about the language and to increase the interest in Tamil film lyrics, a computerized electronic format of Tamil lyrics corpus is necessary for mining the lyric documents. In this paper, the Tamil lyric corpus was collected from various books and lyric websites. Here, we also address the challenges faced while building this corpus. A corpus was created with 15286 documents and stored all the lyric information obtained in the XML format. In this paper, we also explained the Universal Networking Language (UNL) semantic representation that helps to represent the document in a language and domain independent ways. We evaluated this corpus by performing simple statistical analysis for characters, words and a few rhetorical effect analysis. We also evaluated our semantic representation with the existing work and the results are very encouraging.

Ukrainian-To-English Folktale Corpus: Parallel Corpus Creation and Augmentation for Machine Translation in Low-Resource Languages
Olena Burda-Lassen

Folktales are linguistically very rich and culturally significant in understanding the source language. Historically, only human translation has been used for translating folklore. Therefore, the number of translated texts is very sparse, which limits access to knowledge about cultural traditions and customs. We have created a new Ukrainian-To-English parallel corpus of familiar Ukrainian folktales based on available English translations and suggested several new ones. We offer a combined domain-specific approach to building and augmenting this corpus, considering the nature of the domain and differences in the purpose of human versus machine translation. Our corpus is word and sentence-aligned, allowing for the best curation of meaning, specifically tailored for use as training data for machine translation models.