Yury Kashnitsky
Overview of the DAGPap22 Shared Task on Detecting Automatically Generated Scientific Papers
Yury Kashnitsky
Drahomira Herrmannova
Anita de Waard
George Tsatsaronis
Catriona Catriona Fennell
Cyril Labbe
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing
This paper provides an overview of the DAGPap22 shared task on the detection of automatically generated scientific papers at the Scholarly Document Process workshop colocated with COLING. We frame the detection problem as a binary classification task: given an excerpt of text, label it as either human-written or machine-generated. We shared a dataset containing excerpts from human-written papers as well as artificially generated content and suspicious documents collected by Elsevier publishing and editorial teams. As a test set, the participants are provided with a 5x larger corpus of openly accessible human-written as well as generated papers from the same scientific domains of documents. The shared task saw 180 submissions across 14 participating teams and resulted in two published technical reports. We discuss our findings from the shared task in this overview paper.
Resolving Gendered Ambiguous Pronouns with BERT
Matei Ionita
Yury Kashnitsky
Ken Krige
Vladimir Larin
Atanas Atanasov
Dennis Logvinenko
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing
Pronoun resolution is part of coreference resolution, the task of pairing an expression to its referring entity. This is an important task for natural language understanding and a necessary component of machine translation systems, chat bots and assistants. Neural machine learning systems perform far from ideally in this task, reaching as low as 73% F1 scores on modern benchmark datasets. Moreover, they tend to perform better for masculine pronouns than for feminine ones. Thus, the problem is both challenging and important for NLP researchers and practitioners. In this project, we describe our BERT-based approach to solving the problem of gender-balanced pronoun resolution. We are able to reach 92% F1 score and a much lower gender bias on the benchmark dataset shared by Google AI Language team.