Yixiao Yang


CMB AI Lab at SemEval-2022 Task 11: A Two-Stage Approach for Complex Named Entity Recognition via Span Boundary Detection and Span Classification
Keyu Pu | Hongyi Liu | Yixiao Yang | Jiangzhou Ji | Wenyi Lv | Yaohan He
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

This paper presents a solution for the SemEval-2022 Task 11 Multilingual Complex Named Entity Recognition. What is challenging in this task is detecting semantically ambiguous and complex entities in short and low-context settings. Our team (CMB AI Lab) propose a two-stage method to recognize the named entities: first, a model based on biaffine layer is built to predict span boundaries, and then a span classification model based on pooling layer is built to predict semantic tags of the spans. The basic pre-trained models we choose are XLM-RoBERTa and mT5. The evaluation result of our approach achieves an F1 score of 84.62 on sub-task 13, which ranks the third on the learder board.