Neural topic models have been widely used in discovering the latent semantics from a corpus. Recently, there are several researches on hierarchical neural topic models since the relationships among topics are valuable for data analysis and exploration. However, the existing hierarchical neural topic models are limited to generate a single topic tree. In this study, we present a nonparametric forest-structured neural topic model by firstly applying the self-attention mechanism to capture parent-child topic relationships, and then build a sparse directed acyclic graph to form a topic forest. Experiments indicate that our model can automatically learn a forest-structured topic hierarchy with indefinite numbers of trees and leaves, and significantly outperforms the baseline models on topic hierarchical rationality and affinity.
Topic modeling has been widely used for discovering the latent semantic structure of documents, but most existing methods learn topics with a flat structure. Although probabilistic models can generate topic hierarchies by introducing nonparametric priors like Chinese restaurant process, such methods have data scalability issues. In this study, we develop a tree-structured topic model by leveraging nonparametric neural variational inference. Particularly, the latent components of the stick-breaking process are first learned for each document, then the affiliations of latent components are modeled by the dependency matrices between network layers. Utilizing this network structure, we can efficiently extract a tree-structured topic hierarchy with reasonable structure, low redundancy, and adaptable widths. Experiments on real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of our method.
Opinion target extraction and opinion term extraction are two fundamental tasks in Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA). Many recent works on ABSA focus on Target-oriented Opinion Words (or Terms) Extraction (TOWE), which aims at extracting the corresponding opinion words for a given opinion target. TOWE can be further applied to Aspect-Opinion Pair Extraction (AOPE) which aims at extracting aspects (i.e., opinion targets) and opinion terms in pairs. In this paper, we propose Target-Specified sequence labeling with Multi-head Self-Attention (TSMSA) for TOWE, in which any pre-trained language model with multi-head self-attention can be integrated conveniently. As a case study, we also develop a Multi-Task structure named MT-TSMSA for AOPE by combining our TSMSA with an aspect and opinion term extraction module. Experimental results indicate that TSMSA outperforms the benchmark methods on TOWE significantly; meanwhile, the performance of MT-TSMSA is similar or even better than state-of-the-art AOPE baseline models.
Mixed counting models that use the negative binomial distribution as the prior can well model over-dispersed and hierarchically dependent random variables; thus they have attracted much attention in mining dispersed document topics. However, the existing parameter inference method like Monte Carlo sampling is quite time-consuming. In this paper, we propose two efficient neural mixed counting models, i.e., the Negative Binomial-Neural Topic Model (NB-NTM) and the Gamma Negative Binomial-Neural Topic Model (GNB-NTM) for dispersed topic discovery. Neural variational inference algorithms are developed to infer model parameters by using the reparameterization of Gamma distribution and the Gaussian approximation of Poisson distribution. Experiments on real-world datasets indicate that our models outperform state-of-the-art baseline models in terms of perplexity and topic coherence. The results also validate that both NB-NTM and GNB-NTM can produce explainable intermediate variables by generating dispersed proportions of document topics.
Label-specific topics can be widely used for supporting personality psychology, aspect-level sentiment analysis, and cross-domain sentiment classification. To generate label-specific topics, several supervised topic models which adopt likelihood-driven objective functions have been proposed. However, it is hard for them to get a precise estimation on both topic discovery and supervised learning. In this study, we propose a supervised topic model based on the Siamese network, which can trade off label-specific word distributions with document-specific label distributions in a uniform framework. Experiments on real-world datasets validate that our model performs competitive in topic discovery quantitatively and qualitatively. Furthermore, the proposed model can effectively predict categorical or real-valued labels for new documents by generating word embeddings from a label-specific topical space.
This paper focuses on the task of noisy label aggregation in social media, where users with different social or culture backgrounds may annotate invalid or malicious tags for documents. To aggregate noisy labels at a small cost, a network framework is proposed by calculating the matching degree of a document’s topics and the annotators’ meta-data. Unlike using the back-propagation algorithm, a probabilistic inference approach is adopted to estimate network parameters. Finally, a new simulation method is designed for validating the effectiveness of the proposed framework in aggregating noisy labels.