Decoding, Fast and Slow: A Case Study on Balancing Trade-Offs in Incremental, Character-level Pragmatic Reasoning
Sina Zarrieß
Hendrik Buschmeier
Ting Han
Simeon Schüz
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
Recent work has adopted models of pragmatic reasoning for the generation of informative language in, e.g., image captioning. We propose a simple but highly effective relaxation of fully rational decoding, based on an existing incremental and character-level approach to pragmatically informative neural image captioning. We implement a mixed, ‘fast’ and ‘slow’, speaker that applies pragmatic reasoning occasionally (only word-initially), while unrolling the language model. In our evaluation, we find that increased informativeness through pragmatic decoding generally lowers quality and, somewhat counter-intuitively, increases repetitiveness in captions. Our mixed speaker, however, achieves a good balance between quality and informativeness.
Diversity as a By-Product: Goal-oriented Language Generation Leads to Linguistic Variation
Simeon Schüz
Ting Han
Sina Zarrieß
Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue
The ability for variation in language use is necessary for speakers to achieve their conversational goals, for instance when referring to objects in visual environments. We argue that diversity should not be modelled as an independent objective in dialogue, but should rather be a result or by-product of goal-oriented language generation. Different lines of work in neural language generation investigated decoding methods for generating more diverse utterances, or increasing the informativity through pragmatic reasoning. We connect those lines of work and analyze how pragmatic reasoning during decoding affects the diversity of generated image captions. We find that boosting diversity itself does not result in more pragmatically informative captions, but pragmatic reasoning does increase lexical diversity. Finally, we discuss whether the gain in informativity is achieved in linguistically plausible ways.
Mandarinograd: A Chinese Collection of Winograd Schemas
Timothée Bernard
Ting Han
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
This article introduces Mandarinograd, a corpus of Winograd Schemas in Mandarin Chinese. Winograd Schemas are particularly challenging anaphora resolution problems, designed to involve common sense reasoning and to limit the biases and artefacts commonly found in natural language understanding datasets. Mandarinograd contains the schemas in their traditional form, but also as natural language inference instances (ENTAILMENT or NO ENTAILMENT pairs) as well as in their fully disambiguated candidate forms. These two alternative representations are often used by modern solvers but existing datasets present automatically converted items that sometimes contain syntactic or semantic anomalies. We detail the difficulties faced when building this corpus and explain how weavoided the anomalies just mentioned. We also show that Mandarinograd is resistant to a statistical method based on a measure of word association.
Sketch Me if You Can: Towards Generating Detailed Descriptions of Object Shape by Grounding in Images and Drawings
Ting Han
Sina Zarrieß
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
A lot of recent work in Language & Vision has looked at generating descriptions or referring expressions for objects in scenes of real-world images, though focusing mostly on relatively simple language like object names, color and location attributes (e.g., brown chair on the left). This paper presents work on Draw-and-Tell, a dataset of detailed descriptions for common objects in images where annotators have produced fine-grained attribute-centric expressions distinguishing a target object from a range of similar objects. Additionally, the dataset comes with hand-drawn sketches for each object. As Draw-and-Tell is medium-sized and contains a rich vocabulary, it constitutes an interesting challenge for CNN-LSTM architectures used in state-of-the-art image captioning models. We explore whether the additional modality given through sketches can help such a model to learn to accurately ground detailed language referring expressions to object shapes. Our results are encouraging.
A Corpus of Natural Multimodal Spatial Scene Descriptions
Ting Han
David Schlangen
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)
Natural Language Informs the Interpretation of Iconic Gestures: A Computational Approach
Ting Han
Julian Hough
David Schlangen
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)
When giving descriptions, speakers often signify object shape or size with hand gestures. Such so-called ‘iconic’ gestures represent their meaning through their relevance to referents in the verbal content, rather than having a conventional form. The gesture form on its own is often ambiguous, and the aspect of the referent that it highlights is constrained by what the language makes salient. We show how the verbal content guides gesture interpretation through a computational model that frames the task as a multi-label classification task that maps multimodal utterances to semantic categories, using annotated human-human data.
Draw and Tell: Multimodal Descriptions Outperform Verbal- or Sketch-Only Descriptions in an Image Retrieval Task
Ting Han
David Schlangen
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)
While language conveys meaning largely symbolically, actual communication acts typically contain iconic elements as well: People gesture while they speak, or may even draw sketches while explaining something. Image retrieval prima facie seems like a task that could profit from combined symbolic and iconic reference, but it is typically set up to work either from language only, or via (iconic) sketches with no verbal contribution. Using a model of grounded language semantics and a model of sketch-to-image mapping, we show that adding even very reduced iconic information to a verbal image description improves recall. Verbal descriptions paired with fully detailed sketches still perform better than these sketches alone. We see these results as supporting the assumption that natural user interfaces should respond to multimodal input, where possible, rather than just language alone.
Grounding Language by Continuous Observation of Instruction Following
Ting Han
David Schlangen
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 2, Short Papers
Grounded semantics is typically learnt from utterance-level meaning representations (e.g., successful database retrievals, denoted objects in images, moves in a game). We explore learning word and utterance meanings by continuous observation of the actions of an instruction follower (IF). While an instruction giver (IG) provided a verbal description of a configuration of objects, IF recreated it using a GUI. Aligning these GUI actions to sub-utterance chunks allows a simple maximum entropy model to associate them as chunk meaning better than just providing it with the utterance-final configuration. This shows that semantics useful for incremental (word-by-word) application, as required in natural dialogue, might also be better acquired from incremental settings.