Shufang Xie


Building Multilingual Machine Translation Systems That Serve Arbitrary XY Translations
Akiko Eriguchi | Shufang Xie | Tao Qin | Hany Hassan
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Multilingual Neural Machine Translation (MNMT) enables one system to translate sentences from multiple source languages to multiple target languages, greatly reducing deployment costs compared with conventional bilingual systems. The MNMT training benefit, however, is often limited to many-to-one directions. The model suffers from poor performance in one-to-many and many-to-many with zero-shot setup. To address this issue, this paper discusses how to practically build MNMT systems that serve arbitrary X-Y translation directions while leveraging multilinguality with a two-stage training strategy of pretraining and finetuning. Experimenting with the WMT’21 multilingual translation task, we demonstrate that our systems outperform the conventional baselines of direct bilingual models and pivot translation models for most directions, averagely giving +6.0 and +4.1 BLEU, without the need for architecture change or extra data collection. Moreover, we also examine our proposed approach in an extremely large-scale data setting to accommodate practical deployment scenarios.


mixSeq: A Simple Data Augmentation Methodfor Neural Machine Translation
Xueqing Wu | Yingce Xia | Jinhua Zhu | Lijun Wu | Shufang Xie | Yang Fan | Tao Qin
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2021)

Data augmentation, which refers to manipulating the inputs (e.g., adding random noise,masking specific parts) to enlarge the dataset,has been widely adopted in machine learning. Most data augmentation techniques operate on a single input, which limits the diversity of the training corpus. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective data augmentation technique for neural machine translation, mixSeq, which operates on multiple inputs and their corresponding targets. Specifically, we randomly select two input sequences,concatenate them together as a longer input aswell as their corresponding target sequencesas an enlarged target, and train models on theaugmented dataset. Experiments on nine machine translation tasks demonstrate that such asimple method boosts the baselines by a non-trivial margin. Our method can be further combined with single input based data augmentation methods to obtain further improvements.

UniDrop: A Simple yet Effective Technique to Improve Transformer without Extra Cost
Zhen Wu | Lijun Wu | Qi Meng | Yingce Xia | Shufang Xie | Tao Qin | Xinyu Dai | Tie-Yan Liu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Transformer architecture achieves great success in abundant natural language processing tasks. The over-parameterization of the Transformer model has motivated plenty of works to alleviate its overfitting for superior performances. With some explorations, we find simple techniques such as dropout, can greatly boost model performance with a careful design. Therefore, in this paper, we integrate different dropout techniques into the training of Transformer models. Specifically, we propose an approach named UniDrop to unites three different dropout techniques from fine-grain to coarse-grain, i.e., feature dropout, structure dropout, and data dropout. Theoretically, we demonstrate that these three dropouts play different roles from regularization perspectives. Empirically, we conduct experiments on both neural machine translation and text classification benchmark datasets. Extensive results indicate that Transformer with UniDrop can achieve around 1.5 BLEU improvement on IWSLT14 translation tasks, and better accuracy for the classification even using strong pre-trained RoBERTa as backbone.