Ranjay Krishna


Mind Your Outliers! Investigating the Negative Impact of Outliers on Active Learning for Visual Question Answering
Siddharth Karamcheti | Ranjay Krishna | Li Fei-Fei | Christopher Manning
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Active learning promises to alleviate the massive data needs of supervised machine learning: it has successfully improved sample efficiency by an order of magnitude on traditional tasks like topic classification and object recognition. However, we uncover a striking contrast to this promise: across 5 models and 4 datasets on the task of visual question answering, a wide variety of active learning approaches fail to outperform random selection. To understand this discrepancy, we profile 8 active learning methods on a per-example basis, and identify the problem as collective outliers – groups of examples that active learning methods prefer to acquire but models fail to learn (e.g., questions that ask about text in images or require external knowledge). Through systematic ablation experiments and qualitative visualizations, we verify that collective outliers are a general phenomenon responsible for degrading pool-based active learning. Notably, we show that active learning sample efficiency increases significantly as the number of collective outliers in the active learning pool decreases. We conclude with a discussion and prescriptive recommendations for mitigating the effects of these outliers in future work.


Determining Question-Answer Plausibility in Crowdsourced Datasets Using Multi-Task Learning
Rachel Gardner | Maya Varma | Clare Zhu | Ranjay Krishna
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2020)

Datasets extracted from social networks and online forums are often prone to the pitfalls of natural language, namely the presence of unstructured and noisy data. In this work, we seek to enable the collection of high-quality question-answer datasets from social media by proposing a novel task for automated quality analysis and data cleaning: question-answer (QA) plausibility. Given a machine or user-generated question and a crowd-sourced response from a social media user, we determine if the question and response are valid; if so, we identify the answer within the free-form response. We design BERT-based models to perform the QA plausibility task, and we evaluate the ability of our models to generate a clean, usable question-answer dataset. Our highest-performing approach consists of a single-task model which determines the plausibility of the question, followed by a multi-task model which evaluates the plausibility of the response as well as extracts answers (Question Plausibility AUROC=0.75, Response Plausibility AUROC=0.78, Answer Extraction F1=0.665).


Generating Semantically Precise Scene Graphs from Textual Descriptions for Improved Image Retrieval
Sebastian Schuster | Ranjay Krishna | Angel Chang | Li Fei-Fei | Christopher D. Manning
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Vision and Language