Qian Yu


IAM: A Comprehensive and Large-Scale Dataset for Integrated Argument Mining Tasks
Liying Cheng | Lidong Bing | Ruidan He | Qian Yu | Yan Zhang | Luo Si
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Traditionally, a debate usually requires a manual preparation process, including reading plenty of articles, selecting the claims, identifying the stances of the claims, seeking the evidence for the claims, etc. As the AI debate attracts more attention these years, it is worth exploring the methods to automate the tedious process involved in the debating system. In this work, we introduce a comprehensive and large dataset named IAM, which can be applied to a series of argument mining tasks, including claim extraction, stance classification, evidence extraction, etc. Our dataset is collected from over 1k articles related to 123 topics. Near 70k sentences in the dataset are fully annotated based on their argument properties (e.g., claims, stances, evidence, etc.). We further propose two new integrated argument mining tasks associated with the debate preparation process: (1) claim extraction with stance classification (CESC) and (2) claim-evidence pair extraction (CEPE). We adopt a pipeline approach and an end-to-end method for each integrated task separately. Promising experimental results are reported to show the values and challenges of our proposed tasks, and motivate future research on argument mining.


Answering Product-related Questions with Heterogeneous Information
Wenxuan Zhang | Qian Yu | Wai Lam
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 10th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing

Providing instant response for product-related questions in E-commerce question answering platforms can greatly improve users’ online shopping experience. However, existing product question answering (PQA) methods only consider a single information source such as user reviews and/or require large amounts of labeled data. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to tackle the PQA task via exploiting heterogeneous information including natural language text and attribute-value pairs from two information sources of the concerned product, namely product details and user reviews. A heterogeneous information encoding component is then designed for obtaining unified representations of information with different formats. The sources of the candidate snippets are also incorporated when measuring the question-snippet relevance. Moreover, the framework is trained with a specifically designed weak supervision paradigm making use of available answers in the training phase. Experiments on a real-world dataset show that our proposed framework achieves superior performance over state-of-the-art models.

Review-based Question Generation with Adaptive Instance Transfer and Augmentation
Qian Yu | Lidong Bing | Qiong Zhang | Wai Lam | Luo Si
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

While online reviews of products and services become an important information source, it remains inefficient for potential consumers to exploit verbose reviews for fulfilling their information need. We propose to explore question generation as a new way of review information exploitation, namely generating questions that can be answered by the corresponding review sentences. One major challenge of this generation task is the lack of training data, i.e. explicit mapping relation between the user-posed questions and review sentences. To obtain proper training instances for the generation model, we propose an iterative learning framework with adaptive instance transfer and augmentation. To generate to the point questions about the major aspects in reviews, related features extracted in an unsupervised manner are incorporated without the burden of aspect annotation. Experiments on data from various categories of a popular E-commerce site demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework, as well as the potentials of the proposed review-based question generation task.

APE: Argument Pair Extraction from Peer Review and Rebuttal via Multi-task Learning
Liying Cheng | Lidong Bing | Qian Yu | Wei Lu | Luo Si
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Peer review and rebuttal, with rich interactions and argumentative discussions in between, are naturally a good resource to mine arguments. However, few works study both of them simultaneously. In this paper, we introduce a new argument pair extraction (APE) task on peer review and rebuttal in order to study the contents, the structure and the connections between them. We prepare a challenging dataset that contains 4,764 fully annotated review-rebuttal passage pairs from an open review platform to facilitate the study of this task. To automatically detect argumentative propositions and extract argument pairs from this corpus, we cast it as the combination of a sequence labeling task and a text relation classification task. Thus, we propose a multitask learning framework based on hierarchical LSTM networks. Extensive experiments and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of our multi-task framework, and also show the challenges of the new task as well as motivate future research directions.


Responding E-commerce Product Questions via Exploiting QA Collections and Reviews
Qian Yu | Wai Lam | Zihao Wang
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Providing instant responses for product questions in E-commerce sites can significantly improve satisfaction of potential consumers. We propose a new framework for automatically responding product questions newly posed by users via exploiting existing QA collections and review collections in a coordinated manner. Our framework can return a ranked list of snippets serving as the automated response for a given question, where each snippet can be a sentence from reviews or an existing question-answer pair. One major subtask in our framework is question-based response review ranking. Learning for response review ranking is challenging since there is no labeled response review available. The collection of existing QA pairs are exploited as distant supervision for learning to rank responses. With proposed distant supervision paradigm, the learned response ranking model makes use of the knowledge in the QA pairs and the corresponding retrieved review lists. Extensive experiments on datasets collected from a real-world commercial E-commerce site demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.


Aligning Bilingual Literary Works: a Pilot Study
Qian Yu | Aurélien Max | François Yvon
Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT 2012 Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature