Qi Yu


“Again, Dozens of Refugees Drowned”: A Computational Study of Political Framing Evoked by Presuppositions
Qi Yu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Student Research Workshop

Earlier NLP studies on framing in political discourse have focused heavily on shallow classification of issue framing, while framing effect arising from pragmatic cues remains neglected. We put forward this latter type of framing as “pragmatic framing”. To bridge this gap, we take presupposition-triggering adverbs such as ‘again’ as a study case, and quantitatively investigate how different German newspapers use them to covertly evoke different attitudinal subtexts in their report on the event “European Refugee Crisis” (2014-2018). Our study demonstrates the crucial role of presuppositions in framing, and emphasizes the necessity of more attention on pragmatic framing in the research of automated framing detection.


KonTra at CMCL 2021 Shared Task: Predicting Eye Movements by Combining BERT with Surface, Linguistic and Behavioral Information
Qi Yu | Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli | Diego Frassinelli
Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics

This paper describes the submission of the team KonTra to the CMCL 2021 Shared Task on eye-tracking prediction. Our system combines the embeddings extracted from a fine-tuned BERT model with surface, linguistic and behavioral features, resulting in an average mean absolute error of 4.22 across all 5 eye-tracking measures. We show that word length and features representing the expectedness of a word are consistently the strongest predictors across all 5 eye-tracking measures.


pdf bib
Towards Early Dementia Detection: Fusing Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Clinical Data
Joseph Bullard | Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm | Xumin Liu | Qi Yu | Rubén Proaño
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology


Towards multimodal modeling of physicians’ diagnostic confidence and self-awareness using medical narratives
Joseph Bullard | Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm | Qi Yu | Pengcheng Shi | Anne Haake
Proceedings of COLING 2014, the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers

Towards Automatic Annotation of Clinical Decision-Making Style
Limor Hochberg | Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm | Esa M. Rantanen | Qi Yu | Caroline M. DeLong | Anne Haake
Proceedings of LAW VIII - The 8th Linguistic Annotation Workshop