Resource production of written forms of Sign Languages by a user-centered editor, SWift (SignWriting improved fast transcriber)
Fabrizio Borgia
Claudia S. Bianchini
Patrice Dalle
Maria De Marsico
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
The SignWriting improved fast transcriber (SWift), presented in this paper, is an advanced editor for computer-aided writing and transcribing of any Sign Language (SL) using the SignWriting (SW). The application is an editor which allows composing and saving desired signs using the SW elementary components, called glyphs. These make up a sort of alphabet, which does not depend on the national Sign Language and which codes the basic components of any sign. The user is guided through a fully automated procedure making the composition process fast and intuitive. SWift pursues the goal of helping to break down the electronic barriers that keep deaf people away from the web, and at the same time to support linguistic research about Sign Languages features. For this reason it has been designed with a special attention to deaf user needs, and to general usability issues. The editor has been developed in a modular way, so it can be integrated everywhere the use of the SW as an alternative to written verbal language may be advisable.
Video Retrieval in Sign Language Videos : How to Model and Compare Signs?
François Lefebvre-Albaret
Patrice Dalle
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
This paper deals with the problem of finding sign occurrences in a sign language (SL) video. It begins with an analysis of sign models and the way they can take into account the sign variability. Then, we review the most popular technics dedicated to automatic sign language processing and we focus on their adaptation to model sign variability. We present a new method to provide a parametric description of the sign as a set of continuous and discrete parameters. Signs are classified according to there categories (ballistic movements, circles ...), the symmetry between the hand movements, hand absolute and relative locations. Membership grades to sign categories and continuous parameter comparisons can be combined to estimate the similarity between two signs. We set out our system and we evaluate how much time can be saved when looking for a sign in a french sign language video. By now, our formalism only uses hand 2D locations, we finally discuss about the way of integrating other parameters as hand shape or facial expression in our framework.
Toward an Annotation Software for Video of Sign Language, Including Image Processing Tools and Signing Space Modelling
A. Braffort
A. Choisier
C. Collet
P. Dalle
F. Gianni
F. Lenseigne
J. Segouat
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)