Ming Chen


Learning Decoupled Retrieval Representation for Nearest Neighbour Neural Machine Translation
Qiang Wang | Rongxiang Weng | Ming Chen
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

K-Nearest Neighbor Neural Machine Translation (kNNMT) successfully incorporates external corpus by retrieving word-level representations at test time. Generally, kNNMT borrows the off-the-shelf context representation in the translation task, e.g., the output of the last decoder layer, as the query vector of the retrieval task. In this work, we highlight that coupling the representations of these two tasks is sub-optimal for fine-grained retrieval. To alleviate it, we leverage supervised contrastive learning to learn the distinctive retrieval representation derived from the original context representation. We also propose a fast and effective approach to constructing hard negative samples. Experimental results on five domains show that our approach improves the retrieval accuracy and BLEU score compared to vanilla kNNMT.

The RoyalFlush System for the WMT 2022 Efficiency Task
Bo Qin | Aixin Jia | Qiang Wang | Jianning Lu | Shuqin Pan | Haibo Wang | Ming Chen
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation (WMT)

This paper describes the submission of the RoyalFlush neural machine translation system for the WMT 2022 translation efficiency task. Unlike the commonly used autoregressive translation system, we adopted a two-stage translation paradigm called Hybrid Regression Translation (HRT) to combine the advantages of autoregressive and non-autoregressive translation. Specifically, HRT first autoregressively generates a discontinuous sequence (e.g., make a prediction every k tokens, k1) and then fills in all previously skipped tokens at once in a non-autoregressive manner. Thus, we can easily trade off the translation quality and speed by adjusting k. In addition, by integrating other modeling techniques (e.g., sequence-level knowledge distillation and deep-encoder-shallow-decoder layer allocation strategy) and a mass of engineering efforts, HRT improves 80% inference speed and achieves equivalent translation performance with the same-capacity AT counterpart. Our fastest system reaches 6k+ words/second on the GPU latency setting, estimated to be about 3.1x faster than the last year’s winner.


WeChat Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT20
Fandong Meng | Jianhao Yan | Yijin Liu | Yuan Gao | Xianfeng Zeng | Qinsong Zeng | Peng Li | Ming Chen | Jie Zhou | Sifan Liu | Hao Zhou
Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation

We participate in the WMT 2020 shared newstranslation task on Chinese→English. Our system is based on the Transformer (Vaswaniet al., 2017a) with effective variants and the DTMT (Meng and Zhang, 2019) architecture. In our experiments, we employ data selection, several synthetic data generation approaches (i.e., back-translation, knowledge distillation, and iterative in-domain knowledge transfer), advanced finetuning approaches and self-bleu based model ensemble. Our constrained Chinese→English system achieves 36.9 case-sensitive BLEU score, which is thehighest among all submissions.


Fine-tune BERT with Sparse Self-Attention Mechanism
Baiyun Cui | Yingming Li | Ming Chen | Zhongfei Zhang
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

In this paper, we develop a novel Sparse Self-Attention Fine-tuning model (referred as SSAF) which integrates sparsity into self-attention mechanism to enhance the fine-tuning performance of BERT. In particular, sparsity is introduced into the self-attention by replacing softmax function with a controllable sparse transformation when fine-tuning with BERT. It enables us to learn a structurally sparse attention distribution, which leads to a more interpretable representation for the whole input. The proposed model is evaluated on sentiment analysis, question answering, and natural language inference tasks. The extensive experimental results across multiple datasets demonstrate its effectiveness and superiority to the baseline methods.


Deep Attentive Sentence Ordering Network
Baiyun Cui | Yingming Li | Ming Chen | Zhongfei Zhang
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

In this paper, we propose a novel deep attentive sentence ordering network (referred as ATTOrderNet) which integrates self-attention mechanism with LSTMs in the encoding of input sentences. It enables us to capture global dependencies among sentences regardless of their input order and obtains a reliable representation of the sentence set. With this representation, a pointer network is exploited to generate an ordered sequence. The proposed model is evaluated on Sentence Ordering and Order Discrimination tasks. The extensive experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness and superiority to the state-of-the-art methods.