Michelle YoungJin Kim


CLoSE: Contrastive Learning of Subframe Embeddings for Political Bias Classification of News Media
Michelle YoungJin Kim | Kristen Marie Johnson
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Framing is a political strategy in which journalists and politicians emphasize certain aspects of a societal issue in order to influence and sway public opinion. Frameworks for detecting framing in news articles or social media posts are critical in understanding the spread of biased information in our society. In this paper, we propose CLoSE, a multi-task BERT-based model which uses contrastive learning to embed indicators of frames from news articles in order to predict political bias. We evaluate the performance of our proposed model on subframes and political bias classification tasks. We also demonstrate the model’s classification accuracy on zero-shot and few-shot learning tasks, providing a promising avenue for framing detection in unlabeled data.