Hongyi Yuan


Generative Biomedical Entity Linking via Knowledge Base-Guided Pre-training and Synonyms-Aware Fine-tuning
Hongyi Yuan | Zheng Yuan | Sheng Yu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Entities lie in the heart of biomedical natural language understanding, and the biomedical entity linking (EL) task remains challenging due to the fine-grained and diversiform concept names.Generative methods achieve remarkable performances in general domain EL with less memory usage while requiring expensive pre-training.Previous biomedical EL methods leverage synonyms from knowledge bases (KB) which is not trivial to inject into a generative method.In this work, we use a generative approach to model biomedical EL and propose to inject synonyms knowledge in it.We propose KB-guided pre-training by constructing synthetic samples with synonyms and definitions from KB and require the model to recover concept names.We also propose synonyms-aware fine-tuning to select concept names for training, and propose decoder prompt and multi-synonyms constrained prefix tree for inference.Our method achieves state-of-the-art results on several biomedical EL tasks without candidate selection which displays the effectiveness of proposed pre-training and fine-tuning strategies. The source code is available at https://github.com/Yuanhy1997/GenBioEL.

BioBART: Pretraining and Evaluation of A Biomedical Generative Language Model
Hongyi Yuan | Zheng Yuan | Ruyi Gan | Jiaxing Zhang | Yutao Xie | Sheng Yu
Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing

Pretrained language models have served as important backbones for natural language processing. Recently, in-domain pretraining has been shown to benefit various domain-specific downstream tasks. In the biomedical domain, natural language generation (NLG) tasks are of critical importance, while understudied. Approaching natural language understanding (NLU) tasks as NLG achieves satisfying performance in the general domain through constrained language generation or language prompting. We emphasize the lack of in-domain generative language models and the unsystematic generative downstream benchmarks in the biomedical domain, hindering the development of the research community. In this work, we introduce the generative language model BioBART that adapts BART to the biomedical domain. We collate various biomedical language generation tasks including dialogue, summarization, entity linking, and named entity recognition. BioBART pretrained on PubMed abstracts has enhanced performance compared to BART and set strong baselines on several tasks. Furthermore, we conduct ablation studies on the pretraining tasks for BioBART and find that sentence permutation has negative effects on downstream tasks.