Entity alignment (EA) aims to discover the equivalent entity pairs between KGs, which is a crucial step for integrating multi-source KGs.For a long time, most researchers have regarded EA as a pure graph representation learning task and focused on improving graph encoders while paying little attention to the decoding process.In this paper, we propose an effective and efficient EA Decoding Algorithm via Third-order Tensor Isomorphism (DATTI).Specifically, we derive two sets of isomorphism equations: (1) Adjacency tensor isomorphism equations and (2) Gramian tensor isomorphism equations.By combining these equations, DATTI could effectively utilize the adjacency and inner correlation isomorphisms of KGs to enhance the decoding process of EA.Extensive experiments on public datasets indicate that our decoding algorithm can deliver significant performance improvements even on the most advanced EA methods, while the extra required time is less than 3 seconds.
Entity alignment (EA) aims to find entities in different knowledge graphs (KGs) that refer to the same object in the real world. Recent studies incorporate temporal information to augment the representations of KGs. The existing methods for EA between temporal KGs (TKGs) utilize a time-aware attention mechanisms to incorporate relational and temporal information into entity embeddings. The approaches outperform the previous methods by using temporal information. However, we believe that it is not necessary to learn the embeddings of temporal information in KGs since most TKGs have uniform temporal representations. Therefore, we propose a simple GNN model combined with a temporal information matching mechanism, which achieves better performance with less time and fewer parameters. Furthermore, since alignment seeds are difficult to label in real-world applications, we also propose a method to generate unsupervised alignment seeds via the temporal information of TKG. Extensive experiments on public datasets indicate that our supervised method significantly outperforms the previous methods and the unsupervised one has competitive performance.
Turn-level user satisfaction is one of the most important performance metrics for conversational agents. It can be used to monitor the agent’s performance and provide insights about defective user experiences. While end-to-end deep learning has shown promising results, having access to a large number of reliable annotated samples required by these methods remains challenging. In a large-scale conversational system, there is a growing number of newly developed skills, making the traditional data collection, annotation, and modeling process impractical due to the required annotation costs and the turnaround times. In this paper, we suggest a self-supervised contrastive learning approach that leverages the pool of unlabeled data to learn user-agent interactions. We show that the pre-trained models using the self-supervised objective are transferable to the user satisfaction prediction. In addition, we propose a novel few-shot transfer learning approach that ensures better transferability for very small sample sizes. The suggested few-shot method does not require any inner loop optimization process and is scalable to very large datasets and complex models. Based on our experiments using real data from a large-scale commercial system, the suggested approach is able to significantly reduce the required number of annotations, while improving the generalization on unseen skills.