Atilla Kocabalcıoğlu


Turkish WordNet KeNet
Özge Bakay | Özlem Ergelen | Elif Sarmış | Selin Yıldırım | Bilge Nas Arıcan | Atilla Kocabalcıoğlu | Merve Özçelik | Ezgi Sanıyar | Oğuzhan Kuyrukçu | Begüm Avar | Olcay Taner Yıldız
Proceedings of the 11th Global Wordnet Conference

Currently, there are two available wordnets for Turkish: TR-wordnet of BalkaNet and KeNet. As the more comprehensive wordnet for Turkish, KeNet includes 76,757 synsets. KeNet has both intralingual semantic relations and is linked to PWN through interlingual relations. In this paper, we present the procedure adopted in creating KeNet, give details about our approach in annotating semantic relations such as hypernymy and discuss the language-specific problems encountered in these processes.