Anna Mosolova


The Only Chance to Understand: Machine Translation of the Severely Endangered Low-resource Languages of Eurasia
Anna Mosolova | Kamel Smaili
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Technologies for Machine Translation of Low-Resource Languages (LoResMT 2022)

Numerous machine translation systems have been proposed since the appearance of this task. Nowadays, new large language model-based algorithms show results that sometimes overcome human ones on the rich-resource languages. Nevertheless, it is still not the case for the low-resource languages, for which all these algorithms did not show equally impressive results. In this work, we want to compare 3 generations of machine translation models on 7 low-resource languages and make a step further by proposing a new way of automatic parallel data augmentation using the state-of-the-art generative model.


Conditional Random Fields for Metaphor Detection
Anna Mosolova | Ivan Bondarenko | Vadim Fomin
Proceedings of the Workshop on Figurative Language Processing

We present an algorithm for detecting metaphor in sentences which was used in Shared Task on Metaphor Detection by First Workshop on Figurative Language Processing. The algorithm is based on different features and Conditional Random Fields.