An Yan


Multimodal Text Style Transfer for Outdoor Vision-and-Language Navigation
Wanrong Zhu | Xin Wang | Tsu-Jui Fu | An Yan | Pradyumna Narayana | Kazoo Sone | Sugato Basu | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume

One of the most challenging topics in Natural Language Processing (NLP) is visually-grounded language understanding and reasoning. Outdoor vision-and-language navigation (VLN) is such a task where an agent follows natural language instructions and navigates in real-life urban environments. With the lack of human-annotated instructions that illustrate the intricate urban scenes, outdoor VLN remains a challenging task to solve. In this paper, we introduce a Multimodal Text Style Transfer (MTST) learning approach and leverage external multimodal resources to mitigate data scarcity in outdoor navigation tasks. We first enrich the navigation data by transferring the style of the instructions generated by Google Maps API, then pre-train the navigator with the augmented external outdoor navigation dataset. Experimental results show that our MTST learning approach is model-agnostic, and our MTST approach significantly outperforms the baseline models on the outdoor VLN task, improving task completion rate by 8.7% relatively on the test set.

L2C: Describing Visual Differences Needs Semantic Understanding of Individuals
An Yan | Xin Wang | Tsu-Jui Fu | William Yang Wang
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume

Recent advances in language and vision push forward the research of captioning a single image to describing visual differences between image pairs. Suppose there are two images, I_1 and I_2, and the task is to generate a description W_1,2 comparing them, existing methods directly model I_1, I_2 -> W_1,2 mapping without the semantic understanding of individuals. In this paper, we introduce a Learning-to-Compare (L2C) model, which learns to understand the semantic structures of these two images and compare them while learning to describe each one. We demonstrate that L2C benefits from a comparison between explicit semantic representations and single-image captions, and generalizes better on the new testing image pairs. It outperforms the baseline on both automatic evaluation and human evaluation for the Birds-to-Words dataset.

Weakly Supervised Contrastive Learning for Chest X-Ray Report Generation
An Yan | Zexue He | Xing Lu | Jiang Du | Eric Chang | Amilcare Gentili | Julian McAuley | Chun-Nan Hsu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2021

Radiology report generation aims at generating descriptive text from radiology images automatically, which may present an opportunity to improve radiology reporting and interpretation. A typical setting consists of training encoder-decoder models on image-report pairs with a cross entropy loss, which struggles to generate informative sentences for clinical diagnoses since normal findings dominate the datasets. To tackle this challenge and encourage more clinically-accurate text outputs, we propose a novel weakly supervised contrastive loss for medical report generation. Experimental results demonstrate that our method benefits from contrasting target reports with incorrect but semantically-close ones. It outperforms previous work on both clinical correctness and text generation metrics for two public benchmarks.