Pro-TEXT: an Annotated Corpus of Keystroke Logs
Aleksandra Miletic
Christophe Benzitoun
Georgeta Cislaru
Santiago Herrera-Yanez
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Pro-TEXT is a corpus of keystroke logs written in French. Keystroke logs are recordings of the writing process executed through a keyboard, which keep track of all actions taken by the writer (character additions, deletions, substitutions). As such, the Pro-TEXT corpus offers new insights into text genesis and underlying cognitive processes from the production perspective. A subset of the corpus is linguistically annotated with parts of speech, lemmas and syntactic dependencies, making it suitable for the study of interactions between linguistic and behavioural aspects of the writing process. The full corpus contains 202K tokens, while the annotated portion is currently 30K tokens large. The annotated content is progressively being made available in a database-like CSV format and in CoNLL format, and the work on an HTML-based visualisation tool is currently under way. To the best of our knowledge, Pro-TEXT is the first corpus of its kind in French.
OcWikiDisc: a Corpus of Wikipedia Talk Pages in Occitan
Aleksandra Miletic
Yves Scherrer
Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects
This paper presents OcWikiDisc, a new freely available corpus in Occitan, as well as language identification experiments on Occitan done as part of the corpus building process. Occitan is a regional language spoken mainly in the south of France and in parts of Spain and Italy. It exhibits rich diatopic variation, it is not standardized, and it is still low-resourced, especially when it comes to large downloadable corpora. We introduce OcWikiDisc, a corpus extracted from the talk pages associated with the Occitan Wikipedia. The version of the corpus with the most restrictive language filtering contains 8K user messages for a total of 618K tokens. The language filtering is performed based on language identification experiments with five off-the-shelf tools, including the new fasttext’s language identification model from Meta AI’s No Language Left Behind initiative, released in July 2022.
A Four-Dialect Treebank for Occitan: Building Process and Parsing Experiments
Aleksandra Miletic
Myriam Bras
Marianne Vergez-Couret
Louise Esher
Clamença Poujade
Jean Sibille
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects
Occitan is a Romance language spoken mainly in the south of France. It has no official status in the country, it is not standardized and displays important diatopic variation resulting in a rich system of dialects. Recently, a first treebank for this language was created. However, this corpus is based exclusively on texts in the Lengadocian dialect. Our paper describes the work aimed at extending the existing corpus with content in three new dialects, namely Gascon, Provençau and Lemosin. We describe both the annotation of initial content in these new varieties of Occitan and experiments allowing us to identify the most efficient method for further enrichment of the corpus. We observe that parsing models trained on Occitan dialects achieve better results than a delexicalized model trained on other Romance languages despite the latter training corpus being much larger (20K vs 900K tokens). The results of the native Occitan models show an important impact of cross-dialectal lexical variation, whereas syntactic variation seems to affect the systems less. We hope that the resulting corpus, incorporating several Occitan varieties, will facilitate the training of robust NLP tools, capable of processing all kinds of Occitan texts.
Building a Universal Dependencies Treebank for Occitan
Aleksandra Miletic
Myriam Bras
Marianne Vergez-Couret
Louise Esher
Clamença Poujade
Jean Sibille
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
This paper outlines the ongoing effort of creating the first treebank for Occitan, a low-ressourced regional language spoken mainly in the south of France. We briefly present the global context of the project and report on its current status. We adopt the Universal Dependencies framework for this project. Our methodology is based on two main principles. Firstly, in order to guarantee the annotation quality, we use the agile annotation approach. Secondly, we rely on pre-processing using existing tools (taggers and parsers) to facilitate the work of human annotators, mainly through a delexicalized cross-lingual parsing approach. We present the results available at this point (annotation guidelines and a sub-corpus annotated with PoS tags and lemmas) and give the timeline for the rest of the work.
Transformation d’annotations en parties du discours et lemmes vers le format Universal Dependencies : étude de cas pour l’alsacien et l’occitan (Converting POS-tag and Lemma Annotations into the Universal Dependencies Format : A Case Study on Alsatian and Occitan )
Aleksandra Miletić
Delphine Bernhard
Myriam Bras
Anne-Laure Ligozat
Marianne Vergez-Couret
Actes de la Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) PFIA 2019. Volume II : Articles courts
Cet article présente un retour d’expérience sur la transformation de corpus annotés pour l’alsacien et l’occitan vers le format CONLL-U défini dans le projet Universal Dependencies. Il met en particulier l’accent sur divers points de vigilance à prendre en compte, concernant la tokénisation et la définition des catégories pour l’annotation.
Building a treebank for Occitan: what use for Romance UD corpora?
Aleksandra Miletic
Myriam Bras
Louise Esher
Jean Sibille
Marianne Vergez-Couret
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW, SyntaxFest 2019)
De la constitution d’un corpus arboré à l’analyse syntaxique du serbe [From the constitution of a treebank to the syntactic analysis of the Serbian language]
Aleksandra Miletic
Cécile Fabre
Dejan Stosic
Traitement Automatique des Langues 2018 Volume 59 Numéro 3
Non-Projectivity in Serbian: Analysis of Formal and Linguistic Properties
Aleksandra Miletic
Assaf Urieli
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017)
Mise au point d’une méthode d’annotation morphosyntaxique fine du serbe (Developping a method for detailed morphosyntactic tagging of Serbian)
Aleksandra Miletic
Cécile Fabre
Dejan Stosic
Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2016. volume 2 : TALN (Posters)
Cet article présente une expérience d’annotation morphosyntaxique fine du volet serbe du corpus parallèle ParCoLab (corpus serbe-français-anglais). Elle a consisté à enrichir une annotation existante en parties du discours avec des traits morphosyntaxiques fins, afin de préparer une étape ultérieure de parsing. Nous avons comparé trois approches : 1) annotation manuelle ; 2) préannotation avec un étiqueteur entraîné sur le croate suivie d’une correction manuelle ; 3) réentraînement de l’outil sur un petit échantillon validé du corpus, suivi de l’annotation automatique et de la correction manuelle. Le modèle croate maintient une stabilité globale en passant au serbe, mais les différences entre les deux jeux d’étiquettes exigent des interventions manuelles importantes. Le modèle ré-entraîné sur un échantillon de taille limité (20K tokens) atteint la même exactitude que le modèle existant et le gain de temps observé montre que cette méthode optimise la phase de correction.
TALC-sef A Manually-Revised POS-TAgged Literary Corpus in Serbian, English and French
Antonio Balvet
Dejan Stosic
Aleksandra Miletic
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
In this paper, we present a parallel literary corpus for Serbian, English and French, the TALC-sef corpus. The corpus includes a manually-revised pos-tagged reference Serbian corpus of over 150,000 words. The initial objective was to devise a reference parallel corpus in the three languages, both for literary and linguistic studies. The French and English sub-corpora had been pos-tagged from the onset, using TreeTagger (Schmid, 1994), but the corpus lacked, until now, a tagged version of the Serbian sub-corpus. Here, we present the original parallel literary corpus, then we address issues related to pos-tagging a large collection of Serbian text: from the conception of an appropriate tagset for Serbian, to the choice of an automatic pos-tagger adapted to the task, and then to some quantitative and qualitative results. We then move on to a discussion of perspectives in the near future for further annotations of the whole parallel corpus.