Yuqi Wang


DKE-Research at SemEval-2024 Task 2: Incorporating Data Augmentation with Generative Models and Biomedical Knowledge to Enhance Inference Robustness
Yuqi Wang | Zeqiang Wang | Wei Wang | Qi Chen | Kaizhu Huang | Anh Nguyen | Suparna De
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

Safe and reliable natural language inference is critical for extracting insights from clinical trial reports but poses challenges due to biases in large pre-trained language models. This paper presents a novel data augmentation technique to improve model robustness for biomedical natural language inference in clinical trials. By generating synthetic examples through semantic perturbations and domain-specific vocabulary replacement and adding a new task for numerical and quantitative reasoning, we introduce greater diversity and reduce shortcut learning. Our approach, combined with multi-task learning and the DeBERTa architecture, achieved significant performance gains on the NLI4CT 2024 benchmark compared to the original language models. Ablation studies validate the contribution of each augmentation method in improving robustness. Our best-performing model ranked 12th in terms of faithfulness and 8th in terms of consistency, respectively, out of the 32 participants.


Prompt-based Zero-shot Text Classification with Conceptual Knowledge
Yuqi Wang | Wei Wang | Qi Chen | Kaizhu Huang | Anh Nguyen | Suparna De
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 4: Student Research Workshop)

In recent years, pre-trained language models have garnered significant attention due to their effectiveness, which stems from the rich knowledge acquired during pre-training. To mitigate the inconsistency issues between pre-training tasks and downstream tasks and to facilitate the resolution of language-related issues, prompt-based approaches have been introduced, which are particularly useful in low-resource scenarios. However, existing approaches mostly rely on verbalizers to translate the predicted vocabulary to task-specific labels. The major limitations of this approach are the ignorance of potentially relevant domain-specific words and being biased by the pre-training data. To address these limitations, we propose a framework that incorporates conceptual knowledge for text classification in the extreme zero-shot setting. The framework includes prompt-based keyword extraction, weight assignment to each prompt keyword, and final representation estimation in the knowledge graph embedding space. We evaluated the method on four widely-used datasets for sentiment analysis and topic detection, demonstrating that it consistently outperforms recently-developed prompt-based approaches in the same experimental settings.