Yujie Feng


How Good Are LLMs at Out-of-Distribution Detection?
Bo Liu | Li-Ming Zhan | Zexin Lu | Yujie Feng | Lei Xue | Xiao-Ming Wu
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection plays a vital role in enhancing the reliability of machine learning models. As large language models (LLMs) become more prevalent, the applicability of prior research on OOD detection that utilized smaller-scale Transformers such as BERT, RoBERTa, and GPT-2 may be challenged, due to the significant differences in the scale of these models, their pre-training objectives, and the paradigms used for inference. This paper initiates a pioneering empirical investigation into the OOD detection capabilities of LLMs, focusing on the LLaMA series ranging from 7B to 65B in size. We thoroughly evaluate commonly used OOD detectors, examining their performance in both zero-grad and fine-tuning scenarios. Notably, we alter previous discriminative in-distribution fine-tuning into generative fine-tuning, aligning the pre-training objective of LLMs with downstream tasks. Our findings unveil that a simple cosine distance OOD detector demonstrates superior efficacy, outperforming other OOD detectors. We provide an intriguing explanation for this phenomenon by highlighting the isotropic nature of the embedding spaces of LLMs, which distinctly contrasts with the anisotropic property observed in smaller BERT family models. The new insight enhances our understanding of how LLMs detect OOD data, thereby enhancing their adaptability and reliability in dynamic environments. We have released the source code at https://github.com/Awenbocc/LLM-OOD for other researchers to reproduce our results.


Towards LLM-driven Dialogue State Tracking
Yujie Feng | Zexin Lu | Bo Liu | Liming Zhan | Xiao-Ming Wu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Dialogue State Tracking (DST) is of paramount importance in ensuring accurate tracking of user goals and system actions within task-oriented dialogue systems. The emergence of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT3 and ChatGPT has sparked considerable interest in assessing their efficacy across diverse applications. In this study, we conduct an initial examination of ChatGPT’s capabilities in DST. Our evaluation uncovers the exceptional performance of ChatGPT in this task, offering valuable insights to researchers regarding its capabilities and providing useful directions for designing and enhancing dialogue systems. Despite its impressive performance, ChatGPT has significant limitations including its closed-source nature, request restrictions, raising data privacy concerns, and lacking local deployment capabilities. To address these concerns, we present LDST, an LLM-driven DST framework based on smaller, open-source foundation models. By utilizing a novel domain-slot instruction tuning method, LDST achieves performance on par with ChatGPT. Comprehensive evaluations across three distinct experimental settings, we find that LDST exhibits remarkable performance improvements in both zero-shot and few-shot setting compared to previous SOTA methods. The source code is provided for reproducibility.