Yi Chen


Exploring the Use of Large Language Models for Reference-Free Text Quality Evaluation: An Empirical Study
Yi Chen | Rui Wang | Haiyun Jiang | Shuming Shi | Ruifeng Xu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: IJCNLP-AACL 2023 (Findings)

SKD-NER: Continual Named Entity Recognition via Span-based Knowledge Distillation with Reinforcement Learning
Yi Chen | Liang He
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Continual learning for named entity recognition (CL-NER) aims to enable models to continuously learn new entity types while retaining the ability to recognize previously learned ones. However, the current strategies fall short of effectively addressing the catastrophic forgetting of previously learned entity types. To tackle this issue, we propose the SKD-NER model, an efficient continual learning NER model based on the span-based approach, which innovatively incorporates reinforcement learning strategies to enhance the model’s ability against catastrophic forgetting. Specifically, we leverage knowledge distillation (KD) to retain memory and employ reinforcement learning strategies during the KD process to optimize the soft labeling and distillation losses generated by the teacher model to effectively prevent catastrophic forgetting during continual learning. This approach effectively prevents or mitigates catastrophic forgetting during continuous learning, allowing the model to retain previously learned knowledge while acquiring new knowledge. Our experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that our model significantly improves the performance of the CL-NER task, outperforming state-of-the-art methods.

Retrieval-free Knowledge Injection through Multi-Document Traversal for Dialogue Models
Rui Wang | Jianzhu Bao | Fei Mi | Yi Chen | Hongru Wang | Yasheng Wang | Yitong Li | Lifeng Shang | Kam-Fai Wong | Ruifeng Xu
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Dialogue models are often enriched with extensive external knowledge to provide informative responses through a retrieval-augmented pipeline. Nevertheless, retrieval-augmented approaches rely on finely annotated retrieval training data and knowledge-grounded response generation data, making it costly to transfer. To tackle this challenge, this paper proposed a retrieval-free approach, KiDG, by automatically turning knowledge documents into simulated multi-turn dialogues through a Multi-Document Traversal algorithm. The simulated knowledge-intensive dialogues constructed by KiDG in one domain can be easily used to train and enhance pre-trained dialogue models’ knowledge w.r.t. this domain without costly annotation. We conduct extensive experiments comparing retrieval-augmented models and a variety of retrieval-free models. We found that dialogue models enhanced with data simulated with KiDG largely outperform state-of-the-art retrieval-free methods, and it achieves comparable performance compared to retrieval-augmented methods while being better, and cheaper at domain transfer.


Learning from Sibling Mentions with Scalable Graph Inference in Fine-Grained Entity Typing
Yi Chen | Jiayang Cheng | Haiyun Jiang | Lemao Liu | Haisong Zhang | Shuming Shi | Ruifeng Xu
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In this paper, we firstly empirically find that existing models struggle to handle hard mentions due to their insufficient contexts, which consequently limits their overall typing performance. To this end, we propose to exploit sibling mentions for enhancing the mention representations. Specifically, we present two different metrics for sibling selection and employ an attentive graph neural network to aggregate information from sibling mentions. The proposed graph model is scalable in that unseen test mentions are allowed to be added as new nodes for inference. Exhaustive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our sibling learning strategy, where our model outperforms ten strong baselines. Moreover, our experiments indeed prove the superiority of sibling mentions in helping clarify the types for hard mentions.

MCPG: A Flexible Multi-Level Controllable Framework for Unsupervised Paraphrase Generation
Yi Chen | Haiyun Jiang | Lemao Liu | Rui Wang | Shuming Shi | Ruifeng Xu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

We present MCPG: a simple and effectiveapproach for controllable unsupervised paraphrase generation, which is also flexible toadapt to specific domains without extra training. MCPG is controllable in different levels: local lexicons, global semantics, and universal styles. The unsupervised paradigm ofMCPG combines factual keywords and diversified semantic embeddings as local lexical andglobal semantic constraints. The semantic embeddings are diversified by standard dropout,which is exploited for the first time to increaseinference diversity by us. Moreover, MCPGis qualified with good domain adaptability byadding a transfer vector as a universal style constraint, which is refined from the exemplars retrieved from the corpus of the target domain in atraining-free way. Extensive experiments showthat MCPG outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised baselines by a margin. Meanwhile,our domain-adapted MCPG also achieves competitive performance with strong supervisedbaselines even without training.


An Empirical Study on Multiple Information Sources for Zero-Shot Fine-Grained Entity Typing
Yi Chen | Haiyun Jiang | Lemao Liu | Shuming Shi | Chuang Fan | Min Yang | Ruifeng Xu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Auxiliary information from multiple sources has been demonstrated to be effective in zero-shot fine-grained entity typing (ZFET). However, there lacks a comprehensive understanding about how to make better use of the existing information sources and how they affect the performance of ZFET. In this paper, we empirically study three kinds of auxiliary information: context consistency, type hierarchy and background knowledge (e.g., prototypes and descriptions) of types, and propose a multi-source fusion model (MSF) targeting these sources. The performance obtains up to 11.42% and 22.84% absolute gains over state-of-the-art baselines on BBN and Wiki respectively with regard to macro F1 scores. More importantly, we further discuss the characteristics, merits and demerits of each information source and provide an intuitive understanding of the complementarity among them.


结合金融领域情感词典和注意力机制的细粒度情感分析(Attention-based Recurrent Network Combined with Financial Lexicon for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification)
Qinglin Zhu (祝清麟) | Bin Liang (梁斌) | Liuyu Han (刘宇瀚) | Yi Chen (陈奕) | Ruifeng Xu (徐睿峰) | Ruibin Mao (毛瑞彬)
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics



Reranking Answers for Definitional QA Using Language Modeling
Yi Chen | Ming Zhou | Shilong Wang
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics