Teodor-george Marchitan


Team Unibuc - NLP at SemEval-2024 Task 8: Transformer and Hybrid Deep Learning Based Models for Machine-Generated Text Detection
Teodor-george Marchitan | Claudiu Creanga | Liviu P. Dinu
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

This paper describes the approach of the UniBuc - NLP team in tackling the SemEval 2024 Task 8: Multigenerator, Multidomain, and Multilingual Black-Box Machine-Generated Text Detection. We explored transformer-based and hybrid deep learning architectures. For subtask B, our transformer-based model achieved a strong second-place out of 77 teams with an accuracy of 86.95%, demonstrating the architecture’s suitability for this task. However, our models showed overfitting in subtask A which could potentially be fixed with less fine-tunning and increasing maximum sequence length. For subtask C (token-level classification), our hybrid model overfit during training, hindering its ability to detect transitions between human and machine-generated text.