Jingjie Zeng

Also published as: JingJie Zeng


“Barking up the Right Tree”, a GAN-Based Pun Generation Model through Semantic Pruning
JingJie Zeng | Liang Yang | Jiahao Kang | Yufeng Diao | Zhihao Yang | Hongfei Lin
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

In the realm of artificial intelligence and linguistics, the automatic generation of humor, particularly puns, remains a complex task. This paper introduces an innovative approach that employs a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) and semantic pruning techniques to generate humorous puns. We initiate our process by identifying potential pun candidates via semantic pruning. This is followed by the use of contrastive learning to decode the unique characteristics of puns, emphasizing both correct and incorrect interpretations. The learned features from contrastive learning are utilized within our GAN model to better capture the semantic nuances of puns. Specifically, the generator exploits the pruned semantic tree to generate pun texts, while the discriminator evaluates the generated puns, ensuring both linguistic correctness and humor. Evaluation results highlight our model’s capacity to produce semantically coherent and humorous puns, demonstrating an enhancement over prior methods and approach human-level performance. This work contributes significantly to the field of computational humor, advancing the capabilities of automatic pun generation.


Label-Enhanced Hierarchical Contextualized Representation for Sequential Metaphor Identification
Shuqun Li | Liang Yang | Weidong He | Shiqi Zhang | Jingjie Zeng | Hongfei Lin
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Recent metaphor identification approaches mainly consider the contextual text features within a sentence or introduce external linguistic features to the model. But they usually ignore the extra information that the data can provide, such as the contextual metaphor information and broader discourse information. In this paper, we propose a model augmented with hierarchical contextualized representation to extract more information from both sentence-level and discourse-level. At the sentence level, we leverage the metaphor information of words that except the target word in the sentence to strengthen the reasoning ability of our model via a novel label-enhanced contextualized representation. At the discourse level, the position-aware global memory network is adopted to learn long-range dependency among the same words within a discourse. Finally, our model combines the representations obtained from these two parts. The experiment results on two tasks of the VUA dataset show that our model outperforms every other state-of-the-art method that also does not use any external knowledge except what the pre-trained language model contains.


ALBERT-BiLSTM for Sequential Metaphor Detection
Shuqun Li | Jingjie Zeng | Jinhui Zhang | Tao Peng | Liang Yang | Hongfei Lin
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing

In our daily life, metaphor is a common way of expression. To understand the meaning of a metaphor, we should recognize the metaphor words which play important roles. In the metaphor detection task, we design a sequence labeling model based on ALBERT-LSTM-softmax. By applying this model, we carry out a lot of experiments and compare the experimental results with different processing methods, such as with different input sentences and tokens, or the methods with CRF and softmax. Then, some tricks are adopted to improve the experimental results. Finally, our model achieves a 0.707 F1-score for the all POS subtask and a 0.728 F1-score for the verb subtask on the TOEFL dataset.