Dong Li


MAP: Low-data Regime Multimodal Learning with Adapter-based Pre-training and Prompting
Wenyan Li | Dong Li | Wanjing Li | Yuanjie Wang | Hai Jie | Yiran Zhong
Proceedings of the 2023 CLASP Conference on Learning with Small Data (LSD)

Pretrained vision-language (VL) models have shown impressive results on various multi-modal downstream tasks recently. Many of the benchmark models build on pretrained causal language models (LMs), leveraging the original few-shot learning and generalization capability of the LMs trained with large text corpora. However, these models are often gigantic and require large-scale image and text data with high computational cost to train. This paper introduces a moderate-size model called MAP for efficient VL transfer learning through adapter-based pretraining and prompting. We aim to answer the question of how much we can complete through VL pretraining within the low-data regime while maximizing efficiency in transferring knowledge of a moderate-size frozen LM. Our experiments demonstrate that MAP achieves substantially better zero-shot and few-shot performance on downstream VL tasks with only 10% the size of pretraining data and a 30x lighter pretrained LM backbone compared to Frozen. MAP also outperforms fully trained models of comparable size at retaining its transfer learning ability when the amount of training data reduces.


Multi-Document Scientific Summarization from a Knowledge Graph-Centric View
Pancheng Wang | Shasha Li | Kunyuan Pang | Liangliang He | Dong Li | Jintao Tang | Ting Wang
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Multi-Document Scientific Summarization (MDSS) aims to produce coherent and concise summaries for clusters of topic-relevant scientific papers. This task requires precise understanding of paper content and accurate modeling of cross-paper relationships. Knowledge graphs convey compact and interpretable structured information for documents, which makes them ideal for content modeling and relationship modeling. In this paper, we present KGSum, an MDSS model centred on knowledge graphs during both the encoding and decoding process. Specifically, in the encoding process, two graph-based modules are proposed to incorporate knowledge graph information into paper encoding, while in the decoding process, we propose a two-stage decoder by first generating knowledge graph information of summary in the form of descriptive sentences, followed by generating the final summary. Empirical results show that the proposed architecture brings substantial improvements over baselines on the Multi-Xscience dataset.