DaHyun Jung


Detecting Critical Errors Considering Cross-Cultural Factors in English-Korean Translation
Sugyeong Eo | Jungwoo Lim | Chanjun Park | DaHyun Jung | Seonmin Koo | Hyeonseok Moon | Jaehyung Seo | Heuiseok Lim
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Recent machine translation (MT) systems have overcome language barriers for a wide range of users, yet they still carry the risk of critical meaning deviation. Critical error detection (CED) is a task that identifies an inherent risk of catastrophic meaning distortions in the machine translation output. With the importance of reflecting cultural elements in detecting critical errors, we introduce the culture-aware “Politeness” type in detecting English-Korean critical translation errors. Besides, we facilitate two tasks by providing multiclass labels: critical error detection and critical error type classification (CETC). Empirical evaluations reveal that our introduced data augmentation approach using a newly presented perturber significantly outperforms existing baselines in both tasks. Further analysis highlights the significance of multiclass labeling by demonstrating its superior effectiveness compared to binary labels.

Leveraging Pre-existing Resources for Data-Efficient Counter-Narrative Generation in Korean
Seungyoon Lee | Chanjun Park | DaHyun Jung | Hyeonseok Moon | Jaehyung Seo | Sugyeong Eo | Heuiseok Lim
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Counter-narrative generation, i.e., the generation of fact-based responses to hate speech with the aim of correcting discriminatory beliefs, has been demonstrated to be an effective method to combat hate speech. However, its effectiveness is limited by the resource-intensive nature of dataset construction processes and only focuses on the primary language. To alleviate this problem, we propose a Korean Hate Speech Counter Punch (KHSCP), a cost-effective counter-narrative generation method in the Korean language. To this end, we release the first counter-narrative generation dataset in Korean and pose two research questions. Under the questions, we propose an effective augmentation method and investigate the reasonability of a large language model to overcome data scarcity in low-resource environments by leveraging existing resources. In this regard, we conduct several experiments to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our results reveal that applying pre-existing resources can improve the generation performance by a significant margin. Through deep analysis on these experiments, this work proposes the possibility of overcoming the challenges of generating counter-narratives in low-resource environments.


Informative Evidence-guided Prompt-based Fine-tuning for English-Korean Critical Error Detection
DaHyun Jung | Sugyeong Eo | Chanjun Park | Hyeonseok Moon | Jaehyung Seo | Heuiseok Lim
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)