Amanda Myntti


Building Question-Answer Data Using Web Register Identification
Anni Eskelinen | Amanda Myntti | Erik Henriksson | Sampo Pyysalo | Veronika Laippala
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

This article introduces a resource-efficient method for developing question-answer (QA) datasets by extracting QA pairs from web-scale data using machine learning (ML). Our method benefits from recent advances in web register (genre) identification and consists of two ML steps with an additional post-processing step. First, using XLM-R and the multilingual CORE web register corpus series with categories such as QA Forum, we train a multilingual classifier to retrieve documents that are likely to contain QA pairs from web-scale data. Second, we develop a NER-style token classifier to identify the QA text spans within these documents. To this end, we experiment with training on a semi-synthetic dataset built on top of the English LFQA, a small set of manually cleaned web QA pairs in English and Finnish, and a Finnish web QA pair dataset cleaned using ChatGPT. The evaluation of our pipeline demonstrates its capability to efficiently retrieve a substantial volume of QA pairs. While the approach is adaptable to any language given the availability of language models and extensive web data, we showcase its efficiency in English and Finnish, developing the first open, non-synthetic and non-machine translated QA dataset for Finnish – Turku WebQA – comprising over 200,000 QA pairs.


Explaining Classes through Stable Word Attributions
Samuel Rönnqvist | Aki-Juhani Kyröläinen | Amanda Myntti | Filip Ginter | Veronika Laippala
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Input saliency methods have recently become a popular tool for explaining predictions of deep learning models in NLP. Nevertheless, there has been little work investigating methods for aggregating prediction-level explanations to the class level, nor has a framework for evaluating such class explanations been established. We explore explanations based on XLM-R and the Integrated Gradients input attribution method, and propose 1) the Stable Attribution Class Explanation method (SACX) to extract keyword lists of classes in text classification tasks, and 2) a framework for the systematic evaluation of the keyword lists. We find that explanations of individual predictions are prone to noise, but that stable explanations can be effectively identified through repeated training and explanation. We evaluate on web register data and show that the class explanations are linguistically meaningful and distinguishing of the classes.