Zhigang Chen


GeoAgent: To Empower LLMs using Geospatial Tools for Address Standardization
Chenghua Huang | Shisong Chen | Zhixu Li | Jianfeng Qu | Yanghua Xiao | Jiaxin Liu | Zhigang Chen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

This paper presents a novel solution to tackle the challenges that posed by the abundance of non-standard addresses, which input by users in modern applications such as navigation maps, ride-hailing apps, food delivery platforms, and logistics services. These manually entered addresses often contain irregularities, such as missing information, spelling errors, colloquial descriptions, and directional offsets, which hinder address-related tasks like address matching and linking. To tackle these challenges, we propose GeoAgent, a new framework comprising two main components: a large language model (LLM) and a suite of geographical tools. By harnessing the semantic understanding capabilities of the LLM and integrating specific geospatial tools, GeoAgent incorporates spatial knowledge into address texts and achieves efficient address standardization. Further, to verify the effectiveness and practicality of our approach, we construct a comprehensive dataset of complex non-standard addresses, which fills the gaps in existing datasets and proves invaluable for training and evaluating the performance of address standardization models in this community. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of GeoAgent, showcasing substantial improvements in the performance of address-related models across various downstream tasks.

MusTQ: A Temporal Knowledge Graph Question Answering Dataset for Multi-Step Temporal Reasoning
Tingyi Zhang | Jiaan Wang | Zhixu Li | Jianfeng Qu | An Liu | Zhigang Chen | Hongping Zhi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Question answering over temporal knowledge graphs (TKGQA) is an emerging topic, which has attracted increasing interest since it considers the dynamic knowledge in the world. Several datasets along with model developments are proposed in the TKGQA research field. However, existing studies generally focus on fact-centered reasoning, with limited attention to temporal reasoning. To tackle the intricate and comprehensive nature of temporal reasoning, we propose a new TKGQA dataset, MusTQ, which contains 666K multi-step temporal reasoning questions as well as a TKG. The multi-step temporal reasoning is established based on six basic temporal reasoning types derived from a well-established measure theory. Using MusTQ, we evaluate previous TKGQA methods and find that they typically fall short in multi-step temporal reasoning. Furthermore, we propose a TKGQA model, MusTKGQA, which enhances multi-step reasoning ability with entity-time attention mechanism and optimized temporal knowledge graph representation. Extensive experiments on MusTQ show that our model achieves state-of-the-art multi-step temporal reasoning performance.

Factorized Learning Assisted with Large Language Model for Gloss-free Sign Language Translation
Zhigang Chen | Benjia Zhou | Jun Li | Jun Wan | Zhen Lei | Ning Jiang | Quan Lu | Guoqing Zhao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Previous Sign Language Translation (SLT) methods achieve superior performance by relying on gloss annotations. However, labeling high-quality glosses is a labor-intensive task, which limits the further development of SLT. Although some approaches work towards gloss-free SLT through jointly training the visual encoder and translation network, these efforts still suffer from poor performance and inefficient use of the powerful Large Language Model (LLM). Most seriously, we find that directly introducing LLM into SLT will lead to insufficient learning of visual representations as LLM dominates the learning curve. To address these problems, we propose Factorized Learning assisted with Large Language Model (FLa-LLM) for gloss-free SLT. Concretely, we factorize the training process into two stages. In the visual initialing stage, we employ a lightweight translation model after the visual encoder to pre-train the visual encoder. In the LLM fine-tuning stage, we freeze the acquired knowledge in the visual encoder and integrate it with a pre-trained LLM to inspire the LLM’s translation potential. This factorized training strategy proves to be highly effective as evidenced by significant improvements achieved across three SLT datasets which are all conducted under the gloss-free setting.


CCTC: A Cross-Sentence Chinese Text Correction Dataset for Native Speakers
Baoxin Wang | Xingyi Duan | Dayong Wu | Wanxiang Che | Zhigang Chen | Guoping Hu
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The Chinese text correction (CTC) focuses on detecting and correcting Chinese spelling errors and grammatical errors. Most existing datasets of Chinese spelling check (CSC) and Chinese grammatical error correction (GEC) are focused on a single sentence written by Chinese-as-a-second-language (CSL) learners. We find that errors caused by native speakers differ significantly from those produced by non-native speakers. These differences make it inappropriate to use the existing test sets directly to evaluate text correction systems for native speakers. Some errors also require the cross-sentence information to be identified and corrected. In this paper, we propose a cross-sentence Chinese text correction dataset for native speakers. Concretely, we manually annotated 1,500 texts written by native speakers. The dataset consists of 30,811 sentences and more than 1,000,000 Chinese characters. It contains four types of errors: spelling errors, redundant words, missing words, and word ordering errors. We also test some state-of-the-art models on the dataset. The experimental results show that even the model with the best performance is 20 points lower than humans, which indicates that there is still much room for improvement. We hope that the new dataset can fill the gap in cross-sentence text correction for native Chinese speakers.

CINO: A Chinese Minority Pre-trained Language Model
Ziqing Yang | Zihang Xu | Yiming Cui | Baoxin Wang | Min Lin | Dayong Wu | Zhigang Chen
Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Multilingual pre-trained language models have shown impressive performance on cross-lingual tasks. It greatly facilitates the applications of natural language processing on low-resource languages. However, there are still some languages that the current multilingual models do not perform well on. In this paper, we propose CINO (Chinese Minority Pre-trained Language Model), a multilingual pre-trained language model for Chinese minority languages. It covers Standard Chinese, Yue Chinese, and six other ethnic minority languages. To evaluate the cross-lingual ability of the multilingual model on ethnic minority languages, we collect documents from Wikipedia and news websites, and construct two text classification datasets, WCM (Wiki-Chinese-Minority) and CMNews (Chinese-Minority-News). We show that CINO notably outperforms the baselines on various classification tasks. The CINO model and the datasets are publicly available at http://cino.hfl-rc.com.

HIT at SemEval-2022 Task 2: Pre-trained Language Model for Idioms Detection
Zheng Chu | Ziqing Yang | Yiming Cui | Zhigang Chen | Ming Liu
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

The same multi-word expressions may have different meanings in different sentences. They can be mainly divided into two categories, which are literal meaning and idiomatic meaning. Non-contextual-based methods perform poorly on this problem, and we need contextual embedding to understand the idiomatic meaning of multi-word expressions correctly. We use a pre-trained language model, which can provide a context-aware sentence embedding, to detect whether multi-word expression in the sentence is idiomatic usage.

HFL at SemEval-2022 Task 8: A Linguistics-inspired Regression Model with Data Augmentation for Multilingual News Similarity
Zihang Xu | Ziqing Yang | Yiming Cui | Zhigang Chen
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

This paper describes our system designed for SemEval-2022 Task 8: Multilingual News Article Similarity. We proposed a linguistics-inspired model trained with a few task-specific strategies. The main techniques of our system are: 1) data augmentation, 2) multi-label loss, 3) adapted R-Drop, 4) samples reconstruction with the head-tail combination. We also present a brief analysis of some negative methods like two-tower architecture. Our system ranked 1st on the leaderboard while achieving a Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient of 0.818 on the official evaluation set.

Wider & Closer: Mixture of Short-channel Distillers for Zero-shot Cross-lingual Named Entity Recognition
Jun-Yu Ma | Beiduo Chen | Jia-Chen Gu | Zhenhua Ling | Wu Guo | Quan Liu | Zhigang Chen | Cong Liu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Zero-shot cross-lingual named entity recognition (NER) aims at transferring knowledge from annotated and rich-resource data in source languages to unlabeled and lean-resource data in target languages. Existing mainstream methods based on the teacher-student distillation framework ignore the rich and complementary information lying in the intermediate layers of pre-trained language models, and domain-invariant information is easily lost during transfer. In this study, a mixture of short-channel distillers (MSD) method is proposed to fully interact the rich hierarchical information in the teacher model and to transfer knowledge to the student model sufficiently and efficiently. Concretely, a multi-channel distillation framework is designed for sufficient information transfer by aggregating multiple distillers as a mixture. Besides, an unsupervised method adopting parallel domain adaptation is proposed to shorten the channels between the teacher and student models to preserve domain-invariant features. Experiments on four datasets across nine languages demonstrate that the proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art performance on zero-shot cross-lingual NER and shows great generalization and compatibility across languages and fields.

TextPruner: A Model Pruning Toolkit for Pre-Trained Language Models
Ziqing Yang | Yiming Cui | Zhigang Chen
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Pre-trained language models have been prevailed in natural language processing and become the backbones of many NLP tasks, but the demands for computational resources have limited their applications. In this paper, we introduce TextPruner, an open-source model pruning toolkit designed for pre-trained language models, targeting fast and easy model compression. TextPruner offers structured post-training pruning methods, including vocabulary pruning and transformer pruning, and can be applied to various models and tasks. We also propose a self-supervised pruning method that can be applied without the labeled data. Our experiments with several NLP tasks demonstrate the ability of TextPruner to reduce the model size without re-training the model.


Tackling Zero Pronoun Resolution and Non-Zero Coreference Resolution Jointly
Shisong Chen | Binbin Gu | Jianfeng Qu | Zhixu Li | An Liu | Lei Zhao | Zhigang Chen
Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning

Zero pronoun resolution aims at recognizing dropped pronouns and pointing out their anaphoric mentions, while non-zero coreference resolution targets at clustering mentions referring to the same entity. Existing efforts often deal with the two problems separately regardless of their close essential correlations. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of jointly solving zero pronoun resolution and coreference resolution via a novel end-to-end neural model. Specifically, we design a gap-masked self-attention model that encodes gaps and tokens in the same space, where gaps could capture valuable contextual information according to their surrounding tokens while tokens could maintain original sequential information without disturbance. Additionally, we also propose a two-stage interaction mechanism to make full use of the exclusive relationship between zero pronouns and mentions. Our empirical study conducted on the OntoNotes 5.0 Chinese dataset shows that our model could outperform corresponding state-of-the-art approaches on both tasks.

CIL: Contrastive Instance Learning Framework for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction
Tao Chen | Haizhou Shi | Siliang Tang | Zhigang Chen | Fei Wu | Yueting Zhuang
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The journey of reducing noise from distant supervision (DS) generated training data has been started since the DS was first introduced into the relation extraction (RE) task. For the past decade, researchers apply the multi-instance learning (MIL) framework to find the most reliable feature from a bag of sentences. Although the pattern of MIL bags can greatly reduce DS noise, it fails to represent many other useful sentence features in the datasets. In many cases, these sentence features can only be acquired by extra sentence-level human annotation with heavy costs. Therefore, the performance of distantly supervised RE models is bounded. In this paper, we go beyond typical MIL framework and propose a novel contrastive instance learning (CIL) framework. Specifically, we regard the initial MIL as the relational triple encoder and constraint positive pairs against negative pairs for each instance. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, with significant improvements over the previous methods on NYT10, GDS and KBP.

Detecting Speaker Personas from Conversational Texts
Jia-Chen Gu | Zhenhua Ling | Yu Wu | Quan Liu | Zhigang Chen | Xiaodan Zhu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Personas are useful for dialogue response prediction. However, the personas used in current studies are pre-defined and hard to obtain before a conversation. To tackle this issue, we study a new task, named Speaker Persona Detection (SPD), which aims to detect speaker personas based on the plain conversational text. In this task, a best-matched persona is searched out from candidates given the conversational text. This is a many-to-many semantic matching task because both contexts and personas in SPD are composed of multiple sentences. The long-term dependency and the dynamic redundancy among these sentences increase the difficulty of this task. We build a dataset for SPD, dubbed as Persona Match on Persona-Chat (PMPC). Furthermore, we evaluate several baseline models and propose utterance-to-profile (U2P) matching networks for this task. The U2P models operate at a fine granularity which treat both contexts and personas as sets of multiple sequences. Then, each sequence pair is scored and an interpretable overall score is obtained for a context-persona pair through aggregation. Evaluation results show that the U2P models outperform their baseline counterparts significantly.


Program Enhanced Fact Verification with Verbalization and Graph Attention Network
Xiaoyu Yang | Feng Nie | Yufei Feng | Quan Liu | Zhigang Chen | Xiaodan Zhu
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Performing fact verification based on structured data is important for many real-life applications and is a challenging research problem, particularly when it involves both symbolic operations and informal inference based on language understanding. In this paper, we present a Program-enhanced Verbalization and Graph Attention Network (ProgVGAT) to integrate programs and execution into textual inference models. Specifically, a verbalization with program execution model is proposed to accumulate evidences that are embedded in operations over the tables. Built on that, we construct the graph attention verification networks, which are designed to fuse different sources of evidences from verbalized program execution, program structures, and the original statements and tables, to make the final verification decision. To support the above framework, we propose a program selection module optimized with a new training strategy based on margin loss, to produce more accurate programs, which is shown to be effective in enhancing the final verification results. Experimental results show that the proposed framework achieves the new state-of-the-art performance, a 74.4% accuracy, on the benchmark dataset TABFACT.

Filtering before Iteratively Referring for Knowledge-Grounded Response Selection in Retrieval-Based Chatbots
Jia-Chen Gu | Zhenhua Ling | Quan Liu | Zhigang Chen | Xiaodan Zhu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

The challenges of building knowledge-grounded retrieval-based chatbots lie in how to ground a conversation on its background knowledge and how to match response candidates with both context and knowledge simultaneously. This paper proposes a method named Filtering before Iteratively REferring (FIRE) for this task. In this method, a context filter and a knowledge filter are first built, which derive knowledge-aware context representations and context-aware knowledge representations respectively by global and bidirectional attention. Besides, the entries irrelevant to the conversation are discarded by the knowledge filter. After that, iteratively referring is performed between context and response representations as well as between knowledge and response representations, in order to collect deep matching features for scoring response candidates. Experimental results show that FIRE outperforms previous methods by margins larger than 2.8% and 4.1% on the PERSONA-CHAT dataset with original and revised personas respectively, and margins larger than 3.1% on the CMU_DoG dataset in terms of top-1 accuracy. We also show that FIRE is more interpretable by visualizing the knowledge grounding process.


Learning Dynamic Context Augmentation for Global Entity Linking
Xiyuan Yang | Xiaotao Gu | Sheng Lin | Siliang Tang | Yueting Zhuang | Fei Wu | Zhigang Chen | Guoping Hu | Xiang Ren
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Despite of the recent success of collective entity linking (EL) methods, these “global” inference methods may yield sub-optimal results when the “all-mention coherence” assumption breaks, and often suffer from high computational cost at the inference stage, due to the complex search space. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective solution, called Dynamic Context Augmentation (DCA), for collective EL, which requires only one pass through the mentions in a document. DCA sequentially accumulates context information to make efficient, collective inference, and can cope with different local EL models as a plug-and-enhance module. We explore both supervised and reinforcement learning strategies for learning the DCA model. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our model with different learning settings, base models, decision orders and attention mechanisms.

KCAT: A Knowledge-Constraint Typing Annotation Tool
Sheng Lin | Luye Zheng | Bo Chen | Siliang Tang | Zhigang Chen | Guoping Hu | Yueting Zhuang | Fei Wu | Xiang Ren
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

In this paper, we propose an efficient Knowledge Constraint Fine-grained Entity Typing Annotation Tool, which further improves the entity typing process through entity linking together with some practical functions.


Revisiting Word Embedding for Contrasting Meaning
Zhigang Chen | Wei Lin | Qian Chen | Xiaoping Chen | Si Wei | Hui Jiang | Xiaodan Zhu
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)


Improving Chinese Word Segmentation by Adopting Self-Organized Maps of Character N-gram
Chongyang Zhang | Zhigang Chen | Guoping Hu
CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing

A Chinese Word Segmentation System Based on Structured Support Vector Machine Utilization of Unlabeled Text Corpus
Chongyang Zhang | Zhigang Chen | Guoping Hu
CIPS-SIGHAN Joint Conference on Chinese Language Processing