Zekai Zhang


PPTC Benchmark: Evaluating Large Language Models for PowerPoint Task Completion
Yiduo Guo | Zekai Zhang | Yaobo Liang | Dongyan Zhao | Nan Duan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Recent evaluations of Large Language Models (LLMs) have centered around testing their zero-shot/few-shot capabilities for basic natural language tasks and their ability to translate instructions into tool APIs. However, the evaluation of LLMs utilizing complex tools to finish multi-turn, multi-modal instructions in a complex multi-modal environment has not been investigated. To address this gap, we introduce the PowerPoint Task Completion (PPTC) benchmark to assess LLMs’ ability to create and edit PPT files based on user instructions. It contains 279 multi-turn sessions covering diverse topics and hundreds of instructions involving multi-modal operations. We also propose the PPTX-Match Evaluation System that evaluates if LLMs finish the instruction based on the prediction file rather than the label API sequence, thus it supports various LLM-generated API sequences. We measure 3 closed LLMs and 6 open-source LLMs. The results show that GPT-4 outperforms other LLMs with 75.1% accuracy in single-turn dialogue testing but faces challenges in completing entire sessions, achieving just 6% session accuracy. We find three main error causes in our benchmark: error accumulation in the multi-turn session, long PPT template processing, and multi-modality perception. These pose great challenges for future LLM and agent systems .


Stylized Dialogue Generation with Feature-Guided Knowledge Augmentation
Jinpeng Li | Zekai Zhang | Xiuying Chen | Dongyan Zhao | Rui Yan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Stylized dialogue generation systems aim to produce coherent and context-aware dialogues while effectively emulating the desired style. Generating stylized dialogue is valuable yet challenging due to the scarce parallel data. Existing methods often synthesize pseudo data through back translation, yet suffer from noisy and context-agnostic style signals caused by insufficient guidance on target style features. To address this, we propose the knowledge-augmented stylized dialogue generation model, which includes a feature-guided style knowledge selection module that utilizes context and response features. Specifically, we retrieve dialogue-related style sentences from style corpus to explicitly provide clear style signals. We design a feature-guided selection module with response-related contrastive learning and style responsiveness Kullback-Leibler losses to enhance generation at both semantic and stylized levels. Our approach demonstrates satisfactory performance on two public stylized dialogue benchmarks in both automatic and human evaluations.