Yusuke Sakai


Centroid-Based Efficient Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding
Hiroyuki Deguchi | Yusuke Sakai | Hidetaka Kamigaito | Taro Watanabe | Hideki Tanaka | Masao Utiyama
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Minimum Bayes risk (MBR) decoding achieved state-of-the-art translation performance by using COMET, a neural metric that has a high correlation with human evaluation.However, MBR decoding requires quadratic time since it computes the expected score between a translation hypothesis and all reference translations.We propose centroid-based MBR (CBMBR) decoding to improve the speed of MBR decoding.Our method clusters the reference translations in the feature space, and then calculates the score using the centroids of each cluster.The experimental results show that our CBMBR not only improved the decoding speed of the expected score calculation 5.7 times, but also outperformed vanilla MBR decoding in translation quality by up to 0.5 COMET in the WMT’22 EnJa, EnDe, EnZh, and WMT’23 EnJa translation tasks.

mCSQA: Multilingual Commonsense Reasoning Dataset with Unified Creation Strategy by Language Models and Humans
Yusuke Sakai | Hidetaka Kamigaito | Taro Watanabe
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

It is very challenging to curate a dataset for language-specific knowledge and common sense in order to evaluate natural language understanding capabilities of language models. Due to the limitation in the availability of annotators, most current multilingual datasets are created through translation, which cannot evaluate such language-specific aspects. Therefore, we propose Multilingual CommonsenseQA (mCSQA) based on the construction process of CSQA but leveraging language models for a more efficient construction, e.g., by asking LM to generate questions/answers, refine answers and verify QAs followed by reduced human efforts for verification. Constructed dataset is a benchmark for cross-lingual language-transfer capabilities of multilingual LMs, and experimental results showed high language-transfer capabilities for questions that LMs could easily solve, but lower transfer capabilities for questions requiring deep knowledge or commonsense. This highlights the necessity of language-specific datasets for evaluation and training. Finally, our method demonstrated that multilingual LMs could create QA including language-specific knowledge, significantly reducing the dataset creation cost compared to manual creation. The datasets are available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/yusuke1997/mCSQA.

Does Pre-trained Language Model Actually Infer Unseen Links in Knowledge Graph Completion?
Yusuke Sakai | Hidetaka Kamigaito | Katsuhiko Hayashi | Taro Watanabe
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Knowledge graphs (KGs) consist of links that describe relationships between entities. Due to the difficulty of manually enumerating all relationships between entities, automatically completing them is essential for KGs. Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) is a task that infers unseen relationships between entities in a KG. Traditional embedding-based KGC methods (e.g. RESCAL, TransE, DistMult, ComplEx, RotatE, HAKE, HousE, etc.) infer missing links using only the knowledge from training data. In contrast, the recent Pre-trained Language Model (PLM)-based KGC utilizes knowledge obtained during pre-training, which means it can estimate missing links between entities by reusing memorized knowledge from pre-training without inference. This part is problematic because building KGC models aims to infer unseen links between entities. However, conventional evaluations in KGC do not consider inference and memorization abilities separately. Thus, a PLM-based KGC method, which achieves high performance in current KGC evaluations, may be ineffective in practical applications. To address this issue, we analyze whether PLM-based KGC methods make inferences or merely access memorized knowledge. For this purpose, we propose a method for constructing synthetic datasets specified in this analysis and conclude that PLMs acquire the inference abilities required for KGC through pre-training, even though the performance improvements mostly come from textual information of entities and relations.

Japanese Rule-based Grapheme-to-phoneme Conversion System and Multilingual Named Entity Dataset with International Phonetic Alphabet
Yuhi Matogawa | Yusuke Sakai | Taro Watanabe | Chihiro Taguchi
Proceedings of the 21st SIGMORPHON workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

In Japanese, loanwords are primarily written in Katakana, a syllabic writing system, based on their pronunciation. However, the transliterated loanwords often exhibit spelling variations, such as the word “Hepburn” being written as “ヘボン (hebon)”, “ヘプバーン (hepubaan)”, “ヘップバーン (heppubaan)”. These orthographical variants pose a bottleneck in multilingual Named Entity Recognition (NER), because named entities (NEs) do not have one-to-one matches. In this study, we introduce a rule-based grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) system for Japanese based on literature in linguistics and a large-scale multilingual NE dataset with annotations of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), focusing on IPA to address the Katakana spelling variations in loanwords. These rules and dataset are expected to be beneficial for tasks such as NE aggregation, G2P system, construction of cross-lingual language models, and entity linking. We hope our work advances research on Japanese NER with multilingual loanwords by solving the spelling ambiguities.

Towards Artwork Explanation in Large-scale Vision Language Models
Kazuki Hayashi | Yusuke Sakai | Hidetaka Kamigaito | Katsuhiko Hayashi | Taro Watanabe
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Large-scale Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) output text from images and instructions, demonstrating advanced capabilities in text generation and comprehension. However, it has not been clarified to what extent LVLMs understand the knowledge necessary for explaining images, the complex relationships between various pieces of knowledge, and how they integrate these understandings into their explanations. To address this issue, we propose a new task: the artwork explanation generation task, along with its evaluation dataset and metric for quantitatively assessing the understanding and utilization of knowledge about artworks. This task is apt for image description based on the premise that LVLMs are expected to have pre-existing knowledge of artworks, which are often subjects of wide recognition and documented information.It consists of two parts: generating explanations from both images and titles of artworks, and generating explanations using only images, thus evaluating the LVLMs’ language-based and vision-based knowledge.Alongside, we release a training dataset for LVLMs to learn explanations that incorporate knowledge about artworks.Our findings indicate that LVLMs not only struggle with integrating language and visual information but also exhibit a more pronounced limitation in acquiring knowledge from images alone. The datasets ExpArt=Explain Artworks are available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/naist-nlp/ExpArt


NAIST-NICT WMT’23 General MT Task Submission
Hiroyuki Deguchi | Kenji Imamura | Yuto Nishida | Yusuke Sakai | Justin Vasselli | Taro Watanabe
Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Machine Translation

In this paper, we describe our NAIST-NICT submission to the WMT’23 English ↔ Japanese general machine translation task. Our system generates diverse translation candidates and reranks them using a two-stage reranking system to find the best translation. First, we generated 50 candidates each from 18 translation methods using a variety of techniques to increase the diversity of the translation candidates. We trained seven models per language direction using various combinations of hyperparameters. From these models we used various decoding algorithms, ensembling the models, and using kNN-MT (Khandelwal et al., 2021). We processed the 900 translation candidates through a two-stage reranking system to find the most promising candidate. In the first step, we compared 50 candidates from each translation method using DrNMT (Lee et al., 2021) and returned the candidate with the best score. We ranked the final 18 candidates using COMET-MBR (Fernandes et al., 2022) and returned the best score as the system output. We found that generating diverse translation candidates improved translation quality using the well-designed reranker model.


NAIST-NICT-TIT WMT22 General MT Task Submission
Hiroyuki Deguchi | Kenji Imamura | Masahiro Kaneko | Yuto Nishida | Yusuke Sakai | Justin Vasselli | Huy Hien Vu | Taro Watanabe
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation (WMT)

In this paper, we describe our NAIST-NICT-TIT submission to the WMT22 general machine translation task. We participated in this task for the English ↔ Japanese language pair. Our system is characterized as an ensemble of Transformer big models, k-nearest-neighbor machine translation (kNN-MT) (Khandelwal et al., 2021), and reranking.In our translation system, we construct the datastore for kNN-MT from back-translated monolingual data and integrate kNN-MT into the ensemble model. We designed a reranking system to select a translation from the n-best translation candidates generated by the translation system. We also use a context-aware model to improve the document-level consistency of the translation.


Transliteration for Low-Resource Code-Switching Texts: Building an Automatic Cyrillic-to-Latin Converter for Tatar
Chihiro Taguchi | Yusuke Sakai | Taro Watanabe
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code-Switching

We introduce a Cyrillic-to-Latin transliterator for the Tatar language based on subword-level language identification. The transliteration is a challenging task due to the following two reasons. First, because modern Tatar texts often contain intra-word code-switching to Russian, a different transliteration set of rules needs to be applied to each morpheme depending on the language, which necessitates morpheme-level language identification. Second, the fact that Tatar is a low-resource language, with most of the texts in Cyrillic, makes it difficult to prepare a sufficient dataset. Given this situation, we proposed a transliteration method based on subword-level language identification. We trained a language classifier with monolingual Tatar and Russian texts, and applied different transliteration rules in accord with the identified language. The results demonstrate that our proposed method outscores other Tatar transliteration tools, and imply that it correctly transcribes Russian loanwords to some extent.