Yuming Zhang


SRCB at #SMM4H 2024: Making Full Use of LLM-based Data Augmentation in Adverse Drug Event Extraction and Normalization
Hongyu Li | Yuming Zhang | Yongwei Zhang | Shanshan Jiang | Bin Dong
Proceedings of The 9th Social Media Mining for Health Research and Applications (SMM4H 2024) Workshop and Shared Tasks

This paper reports on the performance of SRCB’s system in the Social Media Mining for Health (#SMM4H) 2024 Shared Task 1: extraction and normalization of adverse drug events (ADEs) in English tweets. We develop a system composed of an ADE extraction module and an ADE normalization module which furtherly includes a retrieval module and a filtering module. To alleviate the data imbalance and other issues introduced by the dataset, we employ 4 data augmentation techniques based on Large Language Models (LLMs) across both modules. Our best submission achieves an F1 score of 53.6 (49.4 on the unseen subset) on the ADE normalization task and an F1 score of 52.1 on ADE extraction task.


SRCB at SemEval-2023 Task 2: A System of Complex Named Entity Recognition with External Knowledge
Yuming Zhang | Hongyu Li | Yongwei Zhang | Shanshan Jiang | Bin Dong
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

The MultiCoNER II shared task aims at detecting semantically ambiguous and complex named entities in short and low-context settings for multiple languages. The lack of context makes the recognition of ambiguous named entities challenging. To alleviate this issue, our team SRCB proposes an external knowledge based system, where we utilize 3 different types of external knowledge retrieved in different ways. Given an original text, our system retrieves the possible labels and the descriptions for each potential entity detected by a mention detection model. And we also retrieve a related document as extra context from Wikipedia for each original text. We concatenate the original text with the external knowledge as the input of NER models. The informative contextual representations with external knowledge significantly improve the NER performance in both Chinese and English tracks. Our system win the 3rd place in the Chinese track and the 6th place in the English track.

Learned Adapters Are Better Than Manually Designed Adapters
Yuming Zhang | Peng Wang | Ming Tan | Wei Zhu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Recently, a series of works have looked into further improving the adapter-based tuning by manually designing better adapter architectures. Understandably, these manually designed solutions are sub-optimal. In this work, we propose the Learned Adapter framework to automatically learn the optimal adapter architectures for better task adaptation of pre-trained models (PTMs). First, we construct a unified search space for adapter architecture designs. In terms of the optimization method on the search space, we propose a simple-yet-effective method, GDNAS for better architecture optimization. Extensive experiments show that our Learned Adapter framework can outperform the previous parameter-efficient tuning (PETuning) baselines while tuning comparable or fewer parameters. Moreover: (a) the learned adapter architectures are explainable and transferable across tasks. (b) We demonstrate that our architecture search space design is valid.