Yuanxin Ouyang


ProCQA: A Large-scale Community-based Programming Question Answering Dataset for Code Search
Zehan Li | Jianfei Zhang | Chuantao Yin | Yuanxin Ouyang | Wenge Rong
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Retrieval-based code question answering seeks to match user queries in natural language to relevant code snippets. Previous approaches typically rely on pretraining models using crafted bi-modal and uni-modal datasets to align text and code representations. In this paper, we introduce ProCQA, a large-scale programming question answering dataset extracted from the StackOverflow community, offering naturally structured mixed-modal QA pairs. To validate its effectiveness, we propose a modality-agnostic contrastive pre-training approach to improve the alignment of text and code representations of current code language models. Compared to previous models that primarily employ bimodal and unimodal pairs extracted from CodeSearchNet for pre-training, our model exhibits significant performance improvements across a wide range of code retrieval benchmarks.

Revisiting Demonstration Selection Strategies in In-Context Learning
Keqin Peng | Liang Ding | Yancheng Yuan | Xuebo Liu | Min Zhang | Yuanxin Ouyang | Dacheng Tao
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large language models (LLMs) have shown an impressive ability to perform a wide range of tasks using in-context learning (ICL), where a few examples are used to describe a task to the model. However, the performance of ICL varies significantly with the choice of demonstrations, and previous research usually focuses on the data aspect ignoring the model’s effect. In this work, we first revisit the factors contributing to this variance from the model aspect, and find that the demonstration choice is both data- and model-dependent. We further propose a conjecture that the performance of a demonstration positively correlates with its contribution to the model’s understanding of the test samples, and accordingly propose a data- and model-dependent demonstration selection method, TopK + ConE. Empirically, our method yields consistent improvements in both language understanding and generation tasks with different model scales. Further analyses confirm that, besides the generality and stability under different circumstances, our method provides a unified explanation for the effectiveness of previous methods. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/Romainpkq/revisit_demon_selection_in_ICL.


Towards Making the Most of ChatGPT for Machine Translation
Keqin Peng | Liang Ding | Qihuang Zhong | Li Shen | Xuebo Liu | Min Zhang | Yuanxin Ouyang | Dacheng Tao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

ChatGPT shows remarkable capabilities for machine translation (MT). Several prior studies have shown that it achieves comparable results to commercial systems for high-resource languages, but lags behind in complex tasks, e.g, low-resource and distant-language-pairs translation. However, they usually adopt simple prompts which can not fully elicit the capability of ChatGPT. In this report, we aim to further mine ChatGPT’s translation ability by revisiting several aspects: temperature, task information, and domain information, and correspondingly propose two (simple but effective) prompts: Task-Specific Prompts (TSP) and Domain-Specific Prompts (DSP). We show that: 1) The performance of ChatGPT depends largely on temperature, and a lower temperature usually can achieve better performance; 2) Emphasizing the task information further improves ChatGPT’s performance, particularly in complex MT tasks; 3) Introducing domain information can elicit ChatGPT’s generalization ability and improve its performance in the specific domain; 4) ChatGPT tends to generate hallucinations for non-English-centric MT tasks, which can be partially addressed by our proposed prompts but still need to be highlighted for the MT/NLP community. We also explore the effects of advanced in-context learning strategies and find a (negative but interesting) observation: the powerful chain-of-thought prompt leads to word-by-word translation behavior, thus bringing significant translation degradation.

Token-Level Self-Evolution Training for Sequence-to-Sequence Learning
Keqin Peng | Liang Ding | Qihuang Zhong | Yuanxin Ouyang | Wenge Rong | Zhang Xiong | Dacheng Tao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Adaptive training approaches, widely used in sequence-to-sequence models, commonly reweigh the losses of different target tokens based on priors, e.g. word frequency. However, most of them do not consider the variation of learning difficulty in different training steps, and overly emphasize the learning of difficult one-hot labels, making the learning deterministic and sub-optimal. In response, we present Token-Level Self-Evolution Training (SE), a simple and effective dynamic training method to fully and wisely exploit the knowledge from data. SE focuses on dynamically learning the under-explored tokens for each forward pass and adaptively regularizes the training by introducing a novel token-specific label smoothing approach. Empirically, SE yields consistent and significant improvements in three tasks, i.e. machine translation, summarization, and grammatical error correction. Encouragingly, we achieve averaging +0.93 BLEU improvement on three machine translation tasks. Analyses confirm that, besides improving lexical accuracy, SE enhances generation diversity and model generalization.


Similarity Based Auxiliary Classifier for Named Entity Recognition
Shiyuan Xiao | Yuanxin Ouyang | Wenge Rong | Jianxin Yang | Zhang Xiong
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

The segmentation problem is one of the fundamental challenges associated with name entity recognition (NER) tasks that aim to reduce the boundary error when detecting a sequence of entity words. A considerable number of advanced approaches have been proposed and most of them exhibit performance deterioration when entities become longer. Inspired by previous work in which a multi-task strategy is used to solve segmentation problems, we design a similarity based auxiliary classifier (SAC), which can distinguish entity words from non-entity words. Unlike conventional classifiers, SAC uses vectors to indicate tags. Therefore, SAC can calculate the similarities between words and tags, and then compute a weighted sum of the tag vectors, which can be considered a useful feature for NER tasks. Empirical results are used to verify the rationality of the SAC structure and demonstrate the SAC model’s potential in performance improvement against our baseline approaches.