Yu Cheng


Reinforcement Learning with Token-level Feedback for Controllable Text Generation
Wendi Li | Wei Wei | Kaihe Xu | Wenfeng Xie | Dangyang Chen | Yu Cheng
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

To meet the requirements of real-world applications, it is essential to control generations of large language models (LLMs). Prior research has tried to introduce reinforcement learning (RL) into controllable text generation while most existing methods suffer from overfitting issues (finetuning-based methods) or semantic collapse (post-processing methods). However, current RL methods are generally guided by coarse-grained (sentence/paragraph-level) feedback, which may lead to suboptimal performance owing to semantic twists or progressions within sentences. To tackle that, we propose a novel reinforcement learning algorithm named TOLE which formulates TOken-LEvel rewards for controllable text generation, and employs a “first-quantize-then-noise” paradigm to enhance the robustness of the RL algorithm. Furthermore, TOLE can be flexibly extended to multiple constraints with little computational expense. Experimental results show that our algorithm can achieve superior performance on both single-attribute and multi-attribute control tasks. We have released our codes at https://github.com/WindyLee0822/CTG.

Mitigating Boundary Ambiguity and Inherent Bias for Text Classification in the Era of Large Language Models
Zhenyi Lu | Jie Tian | Wei Wei | Xiaoye Qu | Yu Cheng | Wenfeng Xie | Dangyang Chen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Text classification is a crucial task encountered frequently in practical scenarios, yet it is still under-explored in the era of large language models (LLMs). This study shows that LLMs are vulnerable to changes in the number and arrangement of options in text classification. Our extensive empirical analyses reveal that the key bottleneck arises from ambiguous decision boundaries and inherent biases towards specific tokens and positions.To mitigate these issues, we make the first attempt and propose a novel two-stage classification framework for LLMs. Our approach is grounded in the empirical observation that pairwise comparisons can effectively alleviate boundary ambiguity and inherent bias. Specifically, we begin with a self-reduction technique to efficiently narrow down numerous options, which contributes to reduced decision space and a faster comparison process. Subsequently, pairwise contrastive comparisons are employed in a chain-of-thought manner to draw out nuances and distinguish confusable options, thus refining the ambiguous decision boundary.Extensive experiments on four datasets (Banking77, HWU64, LIU54, and Clinic150) verify the effectiveness of our framework. Furthermore, benefitting from our framework, various LLMs can achieve consistent improvements. Our code and data are available in https://github.com/Chuge0335/PC-CoT.

Vision-Flan: Scaling Human-Labeled Tasks in Visual Instruction Tuning
Zhiyang Xu | Chao Feng | Rulin Shao | Trevor Ashby | Ying Shen | Di Jin | Yu Cheng | Qifan Wang | Lifu Huang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Despite vision-language models’ (VLMs) remarkable capabilities as versatile visual assistants, two substantial challenges persist within the existing VLM frameworks: (1) lacking task diversity in pretraining and visual instruction tuning, and (2) annotation error and bias in GPT-4 synthesized instruction tuning data. Both challenges lead to issues such as poor generalizability, hallucination, and catastrophic forgetting. To address these challenges, we construct Vision-Flan, the most diverse publicly available visual instruction tuning dataset to date, comprising 187 diverse tasks and 1,664,261 instances sourced from academic datasets, and each task is accompanied by an expert-written instruction. In addition, we propose a two-stage instruction tuning framework, in which VLMs are firstly finetuned on Vision-Flan and further tuned on GPT-4 synthesized data. We find this two-stage tuning framework significantly outperforms the traditional single-stage visual instruction tuning framework and achieves the state-of-the-art performance across a wide range of multi-modal evaluation benchmarks. Finally, we conduct in-depth analyses to understand visual instruction tuning and our findings reveal that: (1) GPT-4 synthesized data does not substantially enhance VLMs’ capabilities but rather modulates the model’s responses to human-preferred formats; (2) A minimal quantity (e.g., 1,000) of GPT-4 synthesized data can effectively align VLM responses with human-preference; (3) Visual instruction tuning mainly helps large-language models (LLMs) to understand visual features.

Towards Robust Temporal Activity Localization Learning with Noisy Labels
Daizong Liu | Xiaoye Qu | Xiang Fang | Jianfeng Dong | Pan Zhou | Guoshun Nan | Keke Tang | Wanlong Fang | Yu Cheng
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

This paper addresses the task of temporal activity localization (TAL). Although recent works have made significant progress in TAL research, almost all of them implicitly assume that the dense frame-level correspondences in each video-query pair are correctly annotated. However, in reality, such an assumption is extremely expensive and even impossible to satisfy due to subjective labeling. To alleviate this issue, in this paper, we explore a new TAL setting termed Noisy Temporal activity localization (NTAL), where a TAL model should be robust to the mixed training data with noisy moment boundaries. Inspired by the memorization effect of neural networks, we propose a novel method called Co-Teaching Regularizer (CTR) for NTAL. Specifically, we first learn a Gaussian Mixture Model to divide the mixed training data into preliminary clean and noisy subsets. Subsequently, we refine the labels of the two subsets by an adaptive prediction function so that their true positive and false positive samples could be identified. To avoid single model being prone to its mistakes learned by the mixed data, we adopt a co-teaching paradigm, which utilizes two models sharing the same framework to teach each other for robust learning. A curriculum strategy is further introduced to gradually learn the moment confidence from easy to hard. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our CTR is significantly more robust to the noisy training data compared to the existing methods.

Multimodal Instruction Tuning with Conditional Mixture of LoRA
Ying Shen | Zhiyang Xu | Qifan Wang | Yu Cheng | Wenpeng Yin | Lifu Huang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in diverse tasks across different domains, with an increasing focus on improving their zero-shot generalization capabilities for unseen multimodal tasks. Multimodal instruction tuning has emerged as a successful strategy for achieving zero-shot generalization by fine-tuning pre-trained models on diverse multimodal tasks through instructions. As MLLMs grow in complexity and size, the need for parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods like Low-Rank Adaption (LoRA), which fine-tunes with a minimal set of parameters, becomes essential. However, applying LoRA in multimodal instruction tuning presents the challenge of task interference, which leads to performance degradation, especially when dealing with a broad array of multimodal tasks. To address this, this paper introduces a novel approach that integrates multimodal instruction tuning with Conditional Mixture-of-LoRA (MixLoRA). It innovates upon LoRA by dynamically constructing low-rank adaptation matrices tailored to the unique demands of each input instance, aiming to mitigate task interference. Experimental results on various multimodal evaluation datasets indicate that MixLoRA not only outperforms the conventional LoRA with the same or even higher ranks, demonstrating its efficacy and adaptability in diverse multimodal tasks.

Confidence is not Timeless: Modeling Temporal Validity for Rule-based Temporal Knowledge Graph Forecasting
Rikui Huang | Wei Wei | Xiaoye Qu | Shengzhe Zhang | Dangyang Chen | Yu Cheng
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recently, Temporal Knowledge Graph Forecasting (TKGF) has emerged as a pivotal domain for forecasting future events. Unlike black-box neural network methods, rule-based approaches are lauded for their efficiency and interpretability. For this line of work, it is crucial to correctly estimate the predictive effectiveness of the rules, i.e., the confidence. However, the existing literature lacks in-depth investigation into how confidence evolves with time. Moreover, inaccurate and heuristic confidence estimation limits the performance of rule-based methods. To alleviate such issues, we propose a framework named TempValid to explicitly model the temporal validity of rules for TKGF. Specifically, we design a time function to model the interaction between temporal information with confidence. TempValid conceptualizes confidence and other coefficients as learnable parameters to avoid inaccurate estimation and combinatorial explosion. Furthermore, we introduce a rule-adversarial negative sampling and a time-aware negative sampling strategies to facilitate TempValid learning. Extensive experiments show that TempValid significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) rule-based methods on six TKGF datasets. Moreover, it exhibits substantial advancements in cross-domain and resource-constrained rule learning scenarios.

Living in the Moment: Can Large Language Models Grasp Co-Temporal Reasoning?
Zhaochen Su | Juntao Li | Jun Zhang | Tong Zhu | Xiaoye Qu | Pan Zhou | Yan Bowen | Yu Cheng | Min Zhang
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Temporal reasoning is fundamental for large language models (LLMs) to comprehend the world. Current temporal reasoning datasets are limited to questions about single or isolated events, falling short in mirroring the realistic temporal characteristics involving concurrent nature and intricate temporal interconnections. In this paper, we introduce CoTempQA, a comprehensive co-temporal Question Answering (QA) benchmark containing four co-temporal scenarios (Equal, Overlap, During, Mix) with 4,748 samples for evaluating the co-temporal comprehension and reasoning abilities of LLMs. Our extensive experiments reveal a significant gap between the performance of current LLMs and human-level reasoning on CoTempQA tasks. Even when enhanced with Chain of Thought (CoT) methodologies, models consistently struggle with our task. In our preliminary exploration, we discovered that mathematical reasoning plays a significant role in handling co-temporal events and proposed a strategy to boost LLMs’ co-temporal reasoning from a mathematical perspective. We hope that our CoTempQA datasets will encourage further advancements in improving the co-temporal reasoning capabilities of LLMs.


Annotations Are Not All You Need: A Cross-modal Knowledge Transfer Network for Unsupervised Temporal Sentence Grounding
Xiang Fang | Daizong Liu | Wanlong Fang | Pan Zhou | Yu Cheng | Keke Tang | Kai Zou
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

This paper addresses the task of temporal sentence grounding (TSG). Although many respectable works have made decent achievements in this important topic, they severely rely on massive expensive video-query paired annotations, which require a tremendous amount of human effort to collect in real-world applications. To this end, in this paper, we target a more practical but challenging TSG setting: unsupervised temporal sentence grounding, where both paired video-query and segment boundary annotations are unavailable during the network training. Considering that some other cross-modal tasks provide many easily available yet cheap labels, we tend to collect and transfer their simple cross-modal alignment knowledge into our complex scenarios: 1) We first explore the entity-aware object-guided appearance knowledge from the paired Image-Noun task, and adapt them into each independent video frame; 2) Then, we extract the event-aware action representation from the paired Video-Verb task, and further refine the action representation into more practical but complicated real-world cases by a newly proposed copy-paste approach; 3) By modulating and transferring both appearance and action knowledge into our challenging unsupervised task, our model can directly utilize this general knowledge to correlate videos and queries, and accurately retrieve the relevant segment without training. Extensive experiments on two challenging datasets (ActivityNet Captions and Charades-STA) show our effectiveness, outperforming existing unsupervised methods and even competitively beating supervised works.

Robustness Challenges in Model Distillation and Pruning for Natural Language Understanding
Mengnan Du | Subhabrata Mukherjee | Yu Cheng | Milad Shokouhi | Xia Hu | Ahmed Hassan Awadallah
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Recent work has focused on compressing pre-trained language models (PLMs) like BERT where the major focus has been to improve the in-distribution performance for downstream tasks. However, very few of these studies have analyzed the impact of compression on the generalizability and robustness of compressed models for out-of-distribution (OOD) data. Towards this end, we study two popular model compression techniques including knowledge distillation and pruning and show that the compressed models are significantly less robust than their PLM counterparts on OOD test sets although they obtain similar performance on in-distribution development sets for a task. Further analysis indicates that the compressed models overfit on the shortcut samples and generalize poorly on the hard ones. We further leverage this observation to develop a regularization strategy for robust model compression based on sample uncertainty.

Local Byte Fusion for Neural Machine Translation
Makesh Narsimhan Sreedhar | Xiangpeng Wan | Yu Cheng | Junjie Hu
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Subword tokenization schemes are the dominant technique used in current NLP models. However, such schemes can be rigid and tokenizers built on one corpus may not adapt well to other parallel corpora. It has also been observed that in multilingual corpora, subword tokenization schemes oversegment low-resource languages, leading to a drop in translation performance. An alternative to subword tokenizers is byte-based tokenization, i.e., tokenization into byte sequences using the UTF-8 encoding scheme. Byte tokens often represent inputs at a sub-character granularity, i.e., one character can be represented by a span of byte tokens. This results in much longer byte sequences that are hard to interpret without aggregating local information from multiple byte tokens. In this paper, we propose a Local Byte Fusion (LOBEF) method for byte-based machine translation—utilizing byte n-gram and word boundaries—to aggregate local semantic information. Extensive experiments on multilingual translation, zero-shot cross-lingual transfer, and domain adaptation reveal a consistent improvement over vanilla byte-based models. Further analysis also indicates that our byte-based models are parameter-efficient and perform competitive to subword models.

DSEE: Dually Sparsity-embedded Efficient Tuning of Pre-trained Language Models
Xuxi Chen | Tianlong Chen | Weizhu Chen | Ahmed Hassan Awadallah | Zhangyang Wang | Yu Cheng
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Gigantic pre-trained models have become central to natural language processing (NLP), serving as the starting point for fine-tuning towards a range of downstream tasks. However, two pain points persist for this paradigm: (a) as the pre-trained models grow bigger (e.g., 175B parameters for GPT-3), even the fine-tuning process can be time-consuming and computationally expensive; (b) the fine-tuned model has the same size as its starting point by default, which is neither sensible due to its more specialized functionality, nor practical since many fine-tuned models will be deployed in resource-constrained environments. To address these pain points, we propose a framework for resource- and parameter-efficient fine-tuning by leveraging the sparsity prior in both weight updates and the final model weights. Our proposed framework, dubbed Dually Sparsity-Embedded Efficient Tuning (DSEE), aims to achieve two key objectives: (i) parameter efficient fine-tuning - by enforcing sparsity-aware low-rank updates on top of the pre-trained weights; and (ii) resource-efficient inference - by encouraging a sparse weight structure towards the final fine-tuned model. We leverage sparsity in these two directions by exploiting both unstructured and structured sparse patterns in pre-trained language models viaa unified approach. Extensive experiments and in-depth investigations, with diverse network backbones (i.e., BERT, RoBERTa, and GPT-2) on dozens of datasets, consistently demonstrate impressive parameter-/inference-efficiency, while maintaining competitive downstream performance. For instance, DSEE saves about 25% inference FLOPs while achieving comparable performance, with 0.5% trainable parameters on BERT. Codes are available at https://github.com/VITA-Group/DSEE.


SemAttack: Natural Textual Attacks via Different Semantic Spaces
Boxin Wang | Chejian Xu | Xiangyu Liu | Yu Cheng | Bo Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2022

Recent studies show that pre-trained language models (LMs) are vulnerable to textual adversarial attacks. However, existing attack methods either suffer from low attack success rates or fail to search efficiently in the exponentially large perturbation space. We propose an efficient and effective framework SemAttack to generate natural adversarial text by constructing different semantic perturbation functions. In particular, SemAttack optimizes the generated perturbations constrained on generic semantic spaces, including typo space, knowledge space (e.g., WordNet), contextualized semantic space (e.g., the embedding space of BERT clusterings), or the combination of these spaces. Thus, the generated adversarial texts are more semantically close to the original inputs. Extensive experiments reveal that state-of-the-art (SOTA) large-scale LMs (e.g., DeBERTa-v2) and defense strategies (e.g., FreeLB) are still vulnerable to SemAttack. We further demonstrate that SemAttack is general and able to generate natural adversarial texts for different languages (e.g., English and Chinese) with high attack success rates. Human evaluations also confirm that our generated adversarial texts are natural and barely affect human performance. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/AI-secure/SemAttack.

Rethinking the Video Sampling and Reasoning Strategies for Temporal Sentence Grounding
Jiahao Zhu | Daizong Liu | Pan Zhou | Xing Di | Yu Cheng | Song Yang | Wenzheng Xu | Zichuan Xu | Yao Wan | Lichao Sun | Zeyu Xiong
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Temporal sentence grounding (TSG) aims to identify the temporal boundary of a specific segment from an untrimmed video by a sentence query. All existing works first utilize a sparse sampling strategy to extract a fixed number of video frames and then interact them with query for reasoning.However, we argue that these methods have overlooked two indispensable issues:1) Boundary-bias: The annotated target segment generally refers to two specific frames as corresponding start and end timestamps. The video downsampling process may lose these two frames and take the adjacent irrelevant frames as new boundaries.2) Reasoning-bias: Such incorrect new boundary frames also lead to the reasoning bias during frame-query interaction, reducing the generalization ability of model.To alleviate above limitations, in this paper, we propose a novel Siamese Sampling and Reasoning Network (SSRN) for TSG, which introduces a siamese sampling mechanism to generate additional contextual frames to enrich and refine the new boundaries. Specifically, a reasoning strategy is developed to learn the inter-relationship among these frames and generate soft labels on boundaries for more accurate frame-query reasoning. Such mechanism is also able to supplement the absent consecutive visual semantics to the sampled sparse frames for fine-grained activity understanding.Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SSRN on three challenging datasets.

RASAT: Integrating Relational Structures into Pretrained Seq2Seq Model for Text-to-SQL
Jiexing Qi | Jingyao Tang | Ziwei He | Xiangpeng Wan | Yu Cheng | Chenghu Zhou | Xinbing Wang | Quanshi Zhang | Zhouhan Lin
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Relational structures such as schema linking and schema encoding have been validated as a key component to qualitatively translating natural language into SQL queries. However, introducing these structural relations comes with prices: they often result in a specialized model structure, which largely prohibits using large pretrained models in text-to-SQL. To address this problem, we propose RASAT: a Transformer seq2seq architecture augmented with relation-aware self-attention that could leverage a variety of relational structures while inheriting the pretrained parameters from the T5 model effectively. Our model can incorporate almost all types of existing relations in the literature, and in addition, we propose introducing co-reference relations for the multi-turn scenario. Experimental results on three widely used text-to-SQL datasets, covering both single-turn and multi-turn scenarios, have shown that RASAT could achieve competitive results in all three benchmarks, achieving state-of-the-art execution accuracy (75.5% EX on Spider, 52.6% IEX on SParC, and 37.4% IEX on CoSQL).

A Good Prompt Is Worth Millions of Parameters: Low-resource Prompt-based Learning for Vision-Language Models
Woojeong Jin | Yu Cheng | Yelong Shen | Weizhu Chen | Xiang Ren
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large pre-trained vision-language (VL) models can learn a new task with a handful of examples and generalize to a new task without fine-tuning. However, these VL models are hard to deploy for real-world applications due to their impractically huge sizes and slow inference speed. To solve this limitation, we study prompt-based low-resource learning of VL tasks with our proposed method, FewVLM, relatively smaller than recent few-shot learners. For FewVLM, we pre-train a sequence-to-sequence transformer model with prefix language modeling (PrefixLM) and masked language modeling (MaskedLM).Furthermore, we analyze the effect of diverse prompts for few-shot tasks. Experimental results on VQA show that FewVLM with prompt-based learning outperforms Frozen which is 31x larger than FewVLM by 18.2% point and achieves comparable results to a 246x larger model, PICa.In our analysis, we observe that (1) prompts significantly affect zero-shot performance but marginally affect few-shot performance, (2) models with noisy prompts learn as quickly as hand-crafted prompts given larger training data, and (3) MaskedLM helps VQA tasks while PrefixLM boosts captioning performance. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/woojeongjin/FewVLM


EarlyBERT: Efficient BERT Training via Early-bird Lottery Tickets
Xiaohan Chen | Yu Cheng | Shuohang Wang | Zhe Gan | Zhangyang Wang | Jingjing Liu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Heavily overparameterized language models such as BERT, XLNet and T5 have achieved impressive success in many NLP tasks. However, their high model complexity requires enormous computation resources and extremely long training time for both pre-training and fine-tuning. Many works have studied model compression on large NLP models, but only focusing on reducing inference time while still requiring an expensive training process. Other works use extremely large batch sizes to shorten the pre-training time, at the expense of higher computational resource demands. In this paper, inspired by the Early-Bird Lottery Tickets recently studied for computer vision tasks, we propose EarlyBERT, a general computationally-efficient training algorithm applicable to both pre-training and fine-tuning of large-scale language models. By slimming the self-attention and fully-connected sub-layers inside a transformer, we are the first to identify structured winning tickets in the early stage of BERT training. We apply those tickets towards efficient BERT training, and conduct comprehensive pre-training and fine-tuning experiments on GLUE and SQuAD downstream tasks. Our results show that EarlyBERT achieves comparable performance to standard BERT, with 35 45% less training time. Code is available at https://github.com/VITA-Group/EarlyBERT.

Cluster-Former: Clustering-based Sparse Transformer for Question Answering
Shuohang Wang | Luowei Zhou | Zhe Gan | Yen-Chun Chen | Yuwei Fang | Siqi Sun | Yu Cheng | Jingjing Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL-IJCNLP 2021

APo-VAE: Text Generation in Hyperbolic Space
Shuyang Dai | Zhe Gan | Yu Cheng | Chenyang Tao | Lawrence Carin | Jingjing Liu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Natural language often exhibits inherent hierarchical structure ingrained with complex syntax and semantics. However, most state-of-the-art deep generative models learn embeddings only in Euclidean vector space, without accounting for this structural property of language. In this paper, we investigate text generation in a hyperbolic latent space to learn continuous hierarchical representations. An Adversarial Poincare Variational Autoencoder (APo-VAE) is presented, where both the prior and variational posterior of latent variables are defined over a Poincare ball via wrapped normal distributions. By adopting the primal-dual formulation of Kullback-Leibler divergence, an adversarial learning procedure is introduced to empower robust model training. Extensive experiments in language modeling, unaligned style transfer, and dialog-response generation demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed APo-VAE model over VAEs in Euclidean latent space, thanks to its superb capabilities in capturing latent language hierarchies in hyperbolic space.

Few-Shot Text Classification with Triplet Networks, Data Augmentation, and Curriculum Learning
Jason Wei | Chengyu Huang | Soroush Vosoughi | Yu Cheng | Shiqi Xu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Few-shot text classification is a fundamental NLP task in which a model aims to classify text into a large number of categories, given only a few training examples per category. This paper explores data augmentation—a technique particularly suitable for training with limited data—for this few-shot, highly-multiclass text classification setting. On four diverse text classification tasks, we find that common data augmentation techniques can improve the performance of triplet networks by up to 3.0% on average. To further boost performance, we present a simple training strategy called curriculum data augmentation, which leverages curriculum learning by first training on only original examples and then introducing augmented data as training progresses. We explore a two-stage and a gradual schedule, and find that, compared with standard single-stage training, curriculum data augmentation trains faster, improves performance, and remains robust to high amounts of noising from augmentation.


INSET: Sentence Infilling with INter-SEntential Transformer
Yichen Huang | Yizhe Zhang | Oussama Elachqar | Yu Cheng
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Missing sentence generation (or sentence in-filling) fosters a wide range of applications in natural language generation, such as document auto-completion and meeting note expansion. This task asks the model to generate intermediate missing sentences that can syntactically and semantically bridge the surrounding context. Solving the sentence infilling task requires techniques in natural language processing ranging from understanding to discourse-level planning to generation. In this paper, we propose a framework to decouple the challenge and address these three aspects respectively, leveraging the power of existing large-scale pre-trained models such as BERT and GPT-2. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in learning a sentence representation for generation and further generating a missing sentence that fits the context.

Discourse-Aware Neural Extractive Text Summarization
Jiacheng Xu | Zhe Gan | Yu Cheng | Jingjing Liu
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Recently BERT has been adopted for document encoding in state-of-the-art text summarization models. However, sentence-based extractive models often result in redundant or uninformative phrases in the extracted summaries. Also, long-range dependencies throughout a document are not well captured by BERT, which is pre-trained on sentence pairs instead of documents. To address these issues, we present a discourse-aware neural summarization model - DiscoBert. DiscoBert extracts sub-sentential discourse units (instead of sentences) as candidates for extractive selection on a finer granularity. To capture the long-range dependencies among discourse units, structural discourse graphs are constructed based on RST trees and coreference mentions, encoded with Graph Convolutional Networks. Experiments show that the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin on popular summarization benchmarks compared to other BERT-base models.

Distilling Knowledge Learned in BERT for Text Generation
Yen-Chun Chen | Zhe Gan | Yu Cheng | Jingzhou Liu | Jingjing Liu
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Large-scale pre-trained language model such as BERT has achieved great success in language understanding tasks. However, it remains an open question how to utilize BERT for language generation. In this paper, we present a novel approach, Conditional Masked Language Modeling (C-MLM), to enable the finetuning of BERT on target generation tasks. The finetuned BERT (teacher) is exploited as extra supervision to improve conventional Seq2Seq models (student) for better text generation performance. By leveraging BERT’s idiosyncratic bidirectional nature, distilling knowledge learned in BERT can encourage auto-regressive Seq2Seq models to plan ahead, imposing global sequence-level supervision for coherent text generation. Experiments show that the proposed approach significantly outperforms strong Transformer baselines on multiple language generation tasks such as machine translation and text summarization. Our proposed model also achieves new state of the art on IWSLT German-English and English-Vietnamese MT datasets.

Cross-Thought for Sentence Encoder Pre-training
Shuohang Wang | Yuwei Fang | Siqi Sun | Zhe Gan | Yu Cheng | Jingjing Liu | Jing Jiang
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

In this paper, we propose Cross-Thought, a novel approach to pre-training sequence encoder, which is instrumental in building reusable sequence embeddings for large-scale NLP tasks such as question answering. Instead of using the original signals of full sentences, we train a Transformer-based sequence encoder over a large set of short sequences, which allows the model to automatically select the most useful information for predicting masked words. Experiments on question answering and textual entailment tasks demonstrate that our pre-trained encoder can outperform state-of-the-art encoders trained with continuous sentence signals as well as traditional masked language modeling baselines. Our proposed approach also achieves new state of the art on HotpotQA (full-wiki setting) by improving intermediate information retrieval performance.

Contrastive Distillation on Intermediate Representations for Language Model Compression
Siqi Sun | Zhe Gan | Yuwei Fang | Yu Cheng | Shuohang Wang | Jingjing Liu
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Existing language model compression methods mostly use a simple L_2 loss to distill knowledge in the intermediate representations of a large BERT model to a smaller one. Although widely used, this objective by design assumes that all the dimensions of hidden representations are independent, failing to capture important structural knowledge in the intermediate layers of the teacher network. To achieve better distillation efficacy, we propose Contrastive Distillation on Intermediate Representations (CoDIR), a principled knowledge distillation framework where the student is trained to distill knowledge through intermediate layers of the teacher via a contrastive objective. By learning to distinguish positive sample from a large set of negative samples, CoDIR facilitates the student’s exploitation of rich information in teacher’s hidden layers. CoDIR can be readily applied to compress large-scale language models in both pre-training and finetuning stages, and achieves superb performance on the GLUE benchmark, outperforming state-of-the-art compression methods.

HERO: Hierarchical Encoder for Video+Language Omni-representation Pre-training
Linjie Li | Yen-Chun Chen | Yu Cheng | Zhe Gan | Licheng Yu | Jingjing Liu
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

We present HERO, a novel framework for large-scale video+language omni-representation learning. HERO encodes multimodal inputs in a hierarchical structure, where local context of a video frame is captured by a Cross-modal Transformer via multimodal fusion, and global video context is captured by a Temporal Transformer. In addition to standard Masked Language Modeling (MLM) and Masked Frame Modeling (MFM) objectives, we design two new pre-training tasks: (i) Video-Subtitle Matching (VSM), where the model predicts both global and local temporal alignment; and (ii) Frame Order Modeling (FOM), where the model predicts the right order of shuffled video frames. HERO is jointly trained on HowTo100M and large-scale TV datasets to gain deep understanding of complex social dynamics with multi-character interactions. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that HERO achieves new state of the art on multiple benchmarks over Text-based Video/Video-moment Retrieval, Video Question Answering (QA), Video-and-language Inference and Video Captioning tasks across different domains. We also introduce two new challenging benchmarks How2QA and How2R for Video QA and Retrieval, collected from diverse video content over multimodalities.

Multi-Fact Correction in Abstractive Text Summarization
Yue Dong | Shuohang Wang | Zhe Gan | Yu Cheng | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung | Jingjing Liu
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Pre-trained neural abstractive summarization systems have dominated extractive strategies on news summarization performance, at least in terms of ROUGE. However, system-generated abstractive summaries often face the pitfall of factual inconsistency: generating incorrect facts with respect to the source text. To address this challenge, we propose Span-Fact, a suite of two factual correction models that leverages knowledge learned from question answering models to make corrections in system-generated summaries via span selection. Our models employ single or multi-masking strategies to either iteratively or auto-regressively replace entities in order to ensure semantic consistency w.r.t. the source text, while retaining the syntactic structure of summaries generated by abstractive summarization models. Experiments show that our models significantly boost the factual consistency of system-generated summaries without sacrificing summary quality in terms of both automatic metrics and human evaluation.

Contextual Text Style Transfer
Yu Cheng | Zhe Gan | Yizhe Zhang | Oussama Elachqar | Dianqi Li | Jingjing Liu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

We introduce a new task, Contextual Text Style Transfer - translating a sentence into a desired style with its surrounding context taken into account. This brings two key challenges to existing style transfer approaches: (I) how to preserve the semantic meaning of target sentence and its consistency with surrounding context during transfer; (ii) how to train a robust model with limited labeled data accompanied by context. To realize high-quality style transfer with natural context preservation, we propose a Context-Aware Style Transfer (CAST) model, which uses two separate encoders for each input sentence and its surrounding context. A classifier is further trained to ensure contextual consistency of the generated sentence. To compensate for the lack of parallel data, additional self-reconstruction and back-translation losses are introduced to leverage non-parallel data in a semi-supervised fashion. Two new benchmarks, Enron-Context and Reddit-Context, are introduced for formality and offensiveness style transfer. Experimental results on these datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CAST model over state-of-the-art methods across style accuracy, content preservation and contextual consistency metrics.


Domain Adaptive Text Style Transfer
Dianqi Li | Yizhe Zhang | Zhe Gan | Yu Cheng | Chris Brockett | Bill Dolan | Ming-Ting Sun
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Text style transfer without parallel data has achieved some practical success. However, in the scenario where less data is available, these methods may yield poor performance. In this paper, we examine domain adaptation for text style transfer to leverage massively available data from other domains. These data may demonstrate domain shift, which impedes the benefits of utilizing such data for training. To address this challenge, we propose simple yet effective domain adaptive text style transfer models, enabling domain-adaptive information exchange. The proposed models presumably learn from the source domain to: (i) distinguish stylized information and generic content information; (ii) maximally preserve content information; and (iii) adaptively transfer the styles in a domain-aware manner. We evaluate the proposed models on two style transfer tasks (sentiment and formality) over multiple target domains where only limited non-parallel data is available. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model compared to the baselines.

Patient Knowledge Distillation for BERT Model Compression
Siqi Sun | Yu Cheng | Zhe Gan | Jingjing Liu
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Pre-trained language models such as BERT have proven to be highly effective for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, the high demand for computing resources in training such models hinders their application in practice. In order to alleviate this resource hunger in large-scale model training, we propose a Patient Knowledge Distillation approach to compress an original large model (teacher) into an equally-effective lightweight shallow network (student). Different from previous knowledge distillation methods, which only use the output from the last layer of the teacher network for distillation, our student model patiently learns from multiple intermediate layers of the teacher model for incremental knowledge extraction, following two strategies: (i) PKD-Last: learning from the last k layers; and (ii) PKD-Skip: learning from every k layers. These two patient distillation schemes enable the exploitation of rich information in the teacher’s hidden layers, and encourage the student model to patiently learn from and imitate the teacher through a multi-layer distillation process. Empirically, this translates into improved results on multiple NLP tasks with a significant gain in training efficiency, without sacrificing model accuracy.

Multi-step Reasoning via Recurrent Dual Attention for Visual Dialog
Zhe Gan | Yu Cheng | Ahmed Kholy | Linjie Li | Jingjing Liu | Jianfeng Gao
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

This paper presents a new model for visual dialog, Recurrent Dual Attention Network (ReDAN), using multi-step reasoning to answer a series of questions about an image. In each question-answering turn of a dialog, ReDAN infers the answer progressively through multiple reasoning steps. In each step of the reasoning process, the semantic representation of the question is updated based on the image and the previous dialog history, and the recurrently-refined representation is used for further reasoning in the subsequent step. On the VisDial v1.0 dataset, the proposed ReDAN model achieves a new state-of-the-art of 64.47% NDCG score. Visualization on the reasoning process further demonstrates that ReDAN can locate context-relevant visual and textual clues via iterative refinement, which can lead to the correct answer step-by-step.

Adversarial Category Alignment Network for Cross-domain Sentiment Classification
Xiaoye Qu | Zhikang Zou | Yu Cheng | Yang Yang | Pan Zhou
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)

Cross-domain sentiment classification aims to predict sentiment polarity on a target domain utilizing a classifier learned from a source domain. Most existing adversarial learning methods focus on aligning the global marginal distribution by fooling a domain discriminator, without taking category-specific decision boundaries into consideration, which can lead to the mismatch of category-level features. In this work, we propose an adversarial category alignment network (ACAN), which attempts to enhance category consistency between the source domain and the target domain. Specifically, we increase the discrepancy of two polarity classifiers to provide diverse views, locating ambiguous features near the decision boundaries. Then the generator learns to create better features away from the category boundaries by minimizing this discrepancy. Experimental results on benchmark datasets show that the proposed method can achieve state-of-the-art performance and produce more discriminative features.


Diverse Few-Shot Text Classification with Multiple Metrics
Mo Yu | Xiaoxiao Guo | Jinfeng Yi | Shiyu Chang | Saloni Potdar | Yu Cheng | Gerald Tesauro | Haoyu Wang | Bowen Zhou
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

We study few-shot learning in natural language domains. Compared to many existing works that apply either metric-based or optimization-based meta-learning to image domain with low inter-task variance, we consider a more realistic setting, where tasks are diverse. However, it imposes tremendous difficulties to existing state-of-the-art metric-based algorithms since a single metric is insufficient to capture complex task variations in natural language domain. To alleviate the problem, we propose an adaptive metric learning approach that automatically determines the best weighted combination from a set of metrics obtained from meta-training tasks for a newly seen few-shot task. Extensive quantitative evaluations on real-world sentiment analysis and dialog intent classification datasets demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably against state-of-the-art few shot learning algorithms in terms of predictive accuracy. We make our code and data available for further study.


Reducing infrequent-token perplexity via variational corpora
Yusheng Xie | Pranjal Daga | Yu Cheng | Kunpeng Zhang | Ankit Agrawal | Alok Choudhary
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)


Back to the Blocks World: Learning New Actions through Situated Human-Robot Dialogue
Lanbo She | Shaohua Yang | Yu Cheng | Yunyi Jia | Joyce Chai | Ning Xi
Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL)
