Yixin Ji


Demonstration Augmentation for Zero-shot In-context Learning
Yi Su | Yunpeng Tai | Yixin Ji | Juntao Li | Yan Bowen | Min Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive capability known as In-context Learning (ICL), which enables them to acquire knowledge from textual demonstrations without the need for parameter updates.However, many studies have highlighted that the model’s performance is sensitive to the choice of demonstrations, presenting a significant challenge for practical applications where we lack prior knowledge of user queries.Consequently, we need to construct an extensive demonstration pool and incorporate external databases to assist the model, leading to considerable time and financial costs.In light of this, some recent research has shifted focus towards zero-shot ICL, aiming to reduce the model’s reliance on external information by leveraging their inherent generative capabilities. Despite the effectiveness of these approaches, the content generated by the model may be unreliable, and the generation process is time-consuming.To address these issues, we propose Demonstration Augmentation for In-context Learning (DAIL), which employs the model’s previously predicted historical samples as demonstrations for subsequent ones.DAIL brings no additional inference cost and does not rely on the model’s generative capabilities.Our experiments reveal that DAIL can significantly improve the model’s performance over direct zero-shot inference and can even outperform few-shot ICL without any external information.

Exploring and Mitigating Shortcut Learning for Generative Large Language Models
Zechen Sun | Yisheng Xiao | Juntao Li | Yixin Ji | Wenliang Chen | Min Zhang
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Recent generative large language models (LLMs) have exhibited incredible instruction-following capabilities while keeping strong task completion ability, even without task-specific fine-tuning. Some works attribute this to the bonus of the new scaling law, in which the continuous improvement of model capacity yields emergent capabilities, e.g., reasoning and universal generalization. However, we point out that recent LLMs still show shortcut learning behavior, where the models tend to exploit spurious correlations between non-robust features and labels for prediction, which might lead to overestimating model capabilities. LLMs memorize more complex spurious correlations (i.e., task feature label) compared with that learned from previous pre-training and task-specific fine-tuning paradigm (i.e., feature label). Based on our findings, we propose FSLI, a framework for encouraging LLMs to Forget Spurious correlations and Learn from In-context information. Experiments on three tasks show that FSFI can effectively mitigate shortcut learning. Besides, we argue not to overestimate the capabilities of LLMs and conduct evaluations in more challenging and complete test scenarios.


Beware of Model Collapse! Fast and Stable Test-time Adaptation for Robust Question Answering
Yi Su | Yixin Ji | Juntao Li | Hai Ye | Min Zhang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Although pre-trained language models (PLM) have achieved great success in question answering (QA), their robustness is still insufficient to support their practical applications, especially in the face of distribution shifts. Recently, test-time adaptation (TTA) has shown great potential for solving this problem, which adapts the model to fit the test samples at test time. However, TTA sometimes causes model collapse, making almost all the model outputs incorrect, which has raised concerns about its stability and reliability. In this paper, we delve into why TTA causes model collapse and find that the imbalanced label distribution inherent in QA is the reason for it. To address this problem, we propose Anti-Collapse Fast test-time adaptation (Anti-CF), which utilizes the source model‘s output to regularize the update of the adapted model during test time. We further design an efficient side block to reduce its inference time. Extensive experiments on various distribution shift scenarios and pre-trained language models (e.g., XLM-RoBERTa, BLOOM) demonstrate that our method can achieve comparable or better results than previous TTA methods at a speed close to vanilla forward propagation, which is 1.8× to 4.4× speedup compared to previous TTA methods.

Early Exit with Disentangled Representation and Equiangular Tight Frame
Yixin Ji | Jikai Wang | Juntao Li | Qiang Chen | Wenliang Chen | Min Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Dynamic early exit has demonstrated great potential in coping with the sharply increasing number of pre-trained language model parameters, which can achieve a good trade-off between performance and efficiency. The existing early exit paradigm relies on training parametrical internal classifiers at each intermediate layer to complete specific tasks. Based on the predictions of these internal classifiers, different methods are designed to decide when to exit. Under this circumstance, each intermediate layer takes on both generic language representation learning and task-specific feature extraction, which makes each intermediate layer struggle to balance two types of backward loss signals during training. To break this dilemma, we propose an adapter method to decouple the two distinct types of representation and further introduce a non-parametric simplex equiangular tight frame classifier (ETF) for improvement. Extensive experiments on monolingual and multilingual tasks demonstrate that our method gains significant improvements over strong PLM backbones and early exit methods.

Isotropic Representation Can Improve Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer on Multilingual Language Models
Yixin Ji | Jikai Wang | Juntao Li | Hai Ye | Min Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

With the development of multilingual pre-trained language models (mPLMs), zero-shot cross-lingual transfer shows great potential. To further improve the performance of cross-lingual transfer, many studies have explored representation misalignment caused by morphological differences but neglected the misalignment caused by the anisotropic distribution of contextual representations. In this work, we propose enhanced isotropy and constrained code-switching for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer to alleviate the problem of misalignment caused by the anisotropic representations and maintain syntactic structural knowledge. Extensive experiments on three zero-shot cross-lingual transfer tasks demonstrate that our method gains significant improvements over strong mPLM backbones and further improves the state-of-the-art methods.

Isotropy-Enhanced Conditional Masked Language Models
Pei Guo | Yisheng Xiao | Juntao Li | Yixin Ji | Min Zhang
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Non-autoregressive models have been widely used for various text generation tasks to accelerate the inference process but at the cost of generation quality to some extent. To achieve a good balance between inference speedup and generation quality, iterative NAR models like CMLM and Disco are proposed. Researchers have made much follow-up progress based on them, and some recent iterative models can achieve very promising performance while maintaining significant speedup. In this paper, we give more insights into iterative NAR models by exploring the anisotropic problem, i.e., the representations of distinct predicted target tokens are similar and indiscriminative. Upon the confirmation of the anisotropic problem in iterative NAR models, we first analyze the effectiveness of the contrastive learning method and further propose the Look Neighbors strategy to enhance the learning of token representations during training. Experiments on 4 WMT datasets show that our methods consistently improve the performance as well as alleviate the anisotropic problem of the conditional masked language model, even outperforming the current SoTA result on WMT14 EN DE.


基于字词粒度噪声数据增强的中文语法纠错(Chinese Grammatical Error Correction enhanced by Data Augmentation from Word and Character Levels)
Zecheng Tang (汤泽成) | Yixin Ji (纪一心) | Yibo Zhao (赵怡博) | Junhui Li (李军辉)
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
